03.Something Weird

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"Hey, Nina." Ryan greeted my best friend, Nina, who stopped beside him, mirroring my perplexed expression.

What the hell was happening?

"Do you two know each other?" She asked, frowning. Shouldn't I should be the one asking that question.



Ryan and I said in unison and immediately looked at each other.

"Well, could you both stay on one side cause...I am little confused here. " Nina interrupt our surprised session.



We reciprocate our answer and again looked back at each other in horror.

"So I think the answer is no. " She said dumbfounded, making us both turn our head towards her.

"What.. Nooo..!"

We AGAIN said in unison. Ok..this was just getting weird. What was his problem?

"Okay, so .." Nina started calmly. "What the hell are you two doing? Can't you guys just stand on your own words." She shake her head and I looked at her with amusement because of her sudden outburst and yet again Ryan unknowingly copied my reaction.

I was about to begun with my line of reasoning but Nina cut me off. "Nevermind, let's skip that part. I really don't want to know how you two met."

Nor do I want to tell, it was an unusual meeting anyway.

"Ryan, We met again. Ari, he is Ryan as you know that already, we came across when I was in London. " She explained. I vaguely remember, she went there for some work just a few weeks ago. And that's why, I love her work as she gets to travel around the world.

"Hey dude." An unknown voice said.

"Nash, Where the hell were you?" Ryan responded and we all turned towards Nash guy.

Nash walked towards us and his amber eyes moved roamed over Nina. His face had that 'oh, I'm such a player and I know it' look. He had blonde hair and a masculine body, I could say that he was hot but he was nothing in comparison to the boy in blue armani beside him. Shut up, Ariana, Just shut up.

Nash eyes turned towards me and for a moment, I swear they widened in horror? Confusion? Disbelief, Surprise?

"Whoa.." Nash said still surprised. He whispered something to Ryan and as a respone he got a playful punch from him.

"This is my friend, Nash." Ryan introduced him to us.

"Hello Ladies." Nash smiled coyly while Nina and I exchanged a look and rolled our eyes at him lame attempt.

Nash smiled at me. "So...?"


"Ariana, are you coming with us?" He asked, still smiling.

"Coming with you? Where?" I frowned in confusion.

"I thought Ryan must have asked you already?" His face twisted in sudden confusion.

Can anyone please tell me what the hell was going on?

"Umm why would I be coming with you?" I asked, suspiciously.

"What do you mean? Why not? He is yo-" Ryan cut him off by hitting his shoulder. "Ow.. Show some mercy dude." Nash laughed playfully to which Ryan rolled his eyes and said. "He meant that we have a plan for tonight so, Nina" He paused and looked at Nina. "I would really like if you can join us...and I don't have mind if you bring a plus one with you." He finished, looking straight into my eyes.

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