Chapter 6

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I woke before Leo, turning slightly to look up at him. He looked more childlike as he rested, his features softened and innocent. Deciding to leave him be I got up, him stirring as I moved, a small groan escaping him making me blush.

"Mornin'," he murmured, half asleep. I returned the greeting,

"Thanks for staying with me last night, I slept well afterward." He smiled in response, the skin crinkling beside his eyes. "Good."

We ate breakfast with the council members, the room filled with energy and background chatter of the other Resistance members.

"So Nina, "Jacob spoke up between bites of his bread roll, "You fought well before, how are you with weapons?"

"I can use my gun and blades pretty well, I prefer throwing knives." I shrugged.

"You want to train together beforehand? I promise not to go easy on you," He winked as I grinned, "Sounds good, it's hard to practice hand to hand combat on your own. Cheers."

After breakfast we ventured outside, the bright sunlight burning after my time in the dimly lit cavern.

"Try to block my hits, we need to try to hurt each other properly, okay?" Jacob instructed as insecurity flooded me. "What's wrong?" His voice softened.

"I don't want to hurt you, isn't it a bad idea to hurt each other before the trip?" I spoke, uncertain.

"You won't hurt me too bad, you've got to defend yourself better than you did before, the Crows will play dirty and you can't get hurt." I nodded shakily.

Suddenly he swung at me, barely leaving me time to block my face, staggering back with the force behind his punch. He stepped from the side this time, his knuckle grazing my cheek as I jumped backward to dodge it, knowing that was going to bruise.

"Concentrate Nina," He growled, grunting in approval as I blocked another blow. He clasped my arm, swinging me around so my arm was twisted painfully behind my back as he squeezed my throat.

I struggled momentarily before recalling a lesson my mother once taught me, "If an attacker gets you from behind, struggle to create space and put your weight to the ground." I threw myself down, my whole weight behind the motion as I rolled, quickly back into my defensive position. Jacob stood in shock before grinning.

"Okay Nina, you need to practice your hits," Jacob said.

"I can't hit you!" I protested, he was Leo's friend and the council's second.

"Nina, I just punched you in the face, and I hurt you the other day. Hit me." Jacob said. I shook my head again. He sighed before muttering something to himself, running a hand down his face.

"I you can't hit me how do you plan on defeating any Crows? If you can't protect yourself or others, you will die. People around you will die. More people you care about will die because you can't help yourself and someone has to come in and save you." I knew what Jacob was doing, he was using provocation, trying to anger me. Even still the words stung, and I knew there was truth in them. Leo slowly approached from where the guys had been watching silently.

"Jacob, take it easy..."

"No, she has to learn." Jacob looked at me again, his eyes dark, rage on his face although somehow, I felt as though it wasn't directed at me. "Nina, people will die, and it will be your fault, you won't be able to help, Leo will die and you will lose him again, you won't be able to save him like you couldn't save your parents."

I froze as his voice seemed to echo around me and the edge of my vision seemed to go black. I could distantly hear Leo shouting at Jacob, but everything was fire. I sprung for Jacob, punching his chin hard before drawing my arm back again, but he grabbed my wrist blocking my hit. With my other hand I slammed the heel of my palm into his nose, blood spurted forth as I heard a sickening crunch, stumbling back as he covered his face.

I slammed my foot into his knee which crumbled beneath him and pummelled hit his gut twice causing him to grunt. I landed another punch, my hands came away covered in blood unsure if it was mine or his, a bruise already forming on his cheek. He tried to push me off, but I dug my fingers into his collar bones, causing him to yelp. He shoved me hard and I landed on my back in the dust, storming towards him again.

I didn't want to hurt him. He didn't mean any of it, I knew that, but I couldn't stop myself. I felt hands under my arms dragging me through the dirt away from Jacob who was smiling like a proud father whilst his broken nose stained the desiccated ground scarlet. Leo spun me around to face him and took my face in between his palms. "Nina, calm down, it's okay, he didn't mean it." I breathed slowly after a few seconds and quickly shrugged Leo off and approached Jacob who was being tended to by Luken.

I threw myself at him, wrapping my arms tightly around him as Leo followed, concerned I was going to attack him again. "Shit, Jacob, I am so sorry, oh my God, I broke your nose I am so sorry." I rambled out in shock. He laughed, squeezing me into a hug.

"Nina, hey, it's fine I don't care about my nose, you did amazing, sorry for saying those things I meant none of it, but it worked." His face turned serious, "My little sister had asked me to teach her how to fight and I kept putting it off, I didn't want her to have to be in the situation where she needed to defend herself. She died because I couldn't protect her, and it was my fault that she couldn't protect herself. I refuse to let that happen to anyone again."

"I'm sorry Jacob." I sighed, not knowing what else to say.

"But now," He dragged the word out, "I can see that will not be an issue with you!" He chuckled, the tension leaving him as rapidly as it had appeared.

"You're such an arse," I grumbled, hitting him gently in the shoulder. He laughed again, slinging his arm over my shoulder, "C'mon let's go inside and get this nose reset."

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