Html getting started

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Hello everybody and you are very much welcome to the first chapter of hopefully many on Learn to code! Today we are going to learn a little about coding and make our first website! Don't panic I have you covered they are step by step tutorials below. Just don't go to hard on yourself if you can't figure anything out. If your in a bit of a pinch just comment and I will of course help you out. So enough blabbing lets start shall we?

What is HTML:
HTML or Hyper Text Markup Language is a coding language that is commonly used for website building. HTML is by far my favourite language to code in because it's so easy to learn but yet so useful! Over this course we are going to be learning HTMl and CSS. HTML takes care of the structure of your website. For an example HTML build the text and content while CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) adds the style and colour
Getting an editor:

The first thing you would want to do is find an editor. What is an editor you say? An editor is a text editor to write your code into! You can find editors online or you can download them. I recommend that you use Notepad ++ ( I highly recommend Notepad ++ because it has lot's of tools and resources to help develop websites or games! I would also use notepad because I will be using throughout these tutorials. When you have found your editor paste this code below into your editor:

<!DOCTYPE html>



<title>Page Title</title>



<h1> This is big text </h1>



<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> come at the top of all HTML code. <H1> means header 1.  This is big text is underlined write the text that you want to display. For an example you want to say welcome to my site in big text this is what it would look like:

<h1> Welcome to my site </h1>

Where This is normally the name of your site but can be anything. <p> Is a paragraph. So if I wanted my site to be called "New Site" and I wanted the first paragraph to be "Welcome To New site ." My code would look like this.

<!DOCTYPE html>



<title>New Site</title>



<h1>New Site</h1>

<p>Welcome To New Site.</p>



You May notice a <title> part of the code. That will be the title of your site. Just before we finish up our first chapter don't forget at the end of each code have /. For an example

<p> Text. </p>. See did you notice the </p>.

Thanks so much for reading and don't forget if you need help or you want to suggest an edit or a new part just comment!

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