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Tutorial 11: Iframes

July 26, 2016

Hello and as usual you are warmly welcome to HTML tutorials! Today we are going to be learning about Iframes. Whats that you say? Iframes are used to display a web page within a web page. For an example you could use an Iframe to insert an youtube video or another website + lot's of other options! Iframes can be really useful to any developer because most developers use them! Today I'm going to show you how to use Youtube videos and websites with iframes.

Youtube Videos:

First find the video that you want to appear and right click it and select copy embed code. Then go to your editor start your code with <!DOCTYPE html> the right click and click paste. There you go your youtube video!


Websites are just as easy! You can easily connect a website with an iframe:

Just copy the code below into your editor:

<iframe src="https://toolsfordojos.com" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Change the underlined text with your website and your done!

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