Html tags.

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Hello and your once agin welcome back to another chapter! Today we will be learning all about HTML tags. YEA!!! Don't worry it's not that hard and don't forget as usual if you need any help whatsoever please don't be afraid to comment below.

You may have learned some html tags in the last chapter. Tags are the <p> and <h>. There are many different tags and here is the list here.

<title> - Used in the head and describes the Title of your website

<h1> - Header 1 (the largest size)

<h6> - Header 6 (the smallest size)

<p> - Chunks of text

<br /> - This is a line break, it is like pressing the enter key

<hr /> - This is a line that is placed horizontally across the screen

<strong> - Bolds a section of text

<em> - (em stands for emphasis) Italicizes a section of text

<!-- A Comment --> - Adds a comment, a little note for yourself that the browser ignores and doesn't show up on the website. You could use it as a reminder for yourself, and it helps to keep you code clear and understandable. Note: Nobody will see a comment on your final website.

The ending tag always end with a / for an example see below:
<h1> Big Text </h1>
<h6> Small text </h6>


I hope some of these tags helped.

I hope to see you in the next tutorial,
Josh :)

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