Chapter 9

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The alarm burst through Clash's sensitive dream of Ships at school.He stared at the clock and shut off the alarm.Clash tumbled to the bathroom and looked at the mirror.His hair stood out, and his eye had a gloomy glaze to it.Clash took his toothbrush and put toothpaste on it.He then walked to the bathtub and turn on the faucet.Clash put conditioner and shampoo in his hair.With his right hand he brushed his teeth, and his left hand caressed the soft brown hair.After he did his bathroom stuff, he took his backpack.He looked at his phone as he walked out, with no second thought he grabbed it and dashed down the stairs of his house.Clash locked the door and ran to his bus stop.Isa waved over to him.After about 7 minutes of standing, the bus arrived to their stop.When the bus arrived, a pop up appeared.Pixiee, Isa, and Clash spawned in a white room. Many words floated around the room.Isa took out and mumbled to himself.
"Randomized or Captains...Captains."The word Captain went green.Clash turned and grabbed a pair.
"2 teams..Lets do 4 teams!"The number two was replaced with the number 4.Up until everyone arrived, they waited.Neo glowed red, Neko glowed blue, Yssirk glowed Yellow.Clash looked around for the fourth captain, but everyone was staring at Clash.He looked down at himself and realized he was glowing green.Clash looked up at the others who simply murmured.
"GREEN GETS FIRST PICK!"Clash immediately looked at Reak, who started glowing green.Neo brought Alex over her team.Neko motioned over to Hashtags.Yssirk called over

Team Red

Team Blue

Team Green

Team Yellow

Clash and his team spawned on a circle platform of sand and dirt.He looked beyond the arena and saw many platforms of circles.It was surround by one giant ring.
"This is...Ring Warfare..."Clash took his blocks and ran to help his teammates defend their flag.After 3 minutes, the rest of the arena was revealed.Clash's mouth opened wide at the gigantic arena.Their side of the ring combined with the mother ring and spread out to 3 other rings for the other team.Platypus murmured loudly,"Mega Ring Warfare you mean.."Reak leaped off and dashed over to the right.Clash leaped off and went towards the front lines.Reak simply stood and faced the other teams.They too stood at the front and stared at each other.
"What do we do?"
"We Split, Reak takes Red, Isa take blue, me and Plat will fight yellow.BREAK!"
Reak ran through the middle but Isa dashed right.Clash and Plat dashed towards yellow and faced off with Bub and Mary.Platy clashed his sword with Bub as Mary swung at Clash.Clash stepsided to his left and tripped Mary.She quickly leaped up and ran at Clash.He watched as he saw her bow bounce every time she leaps.Clash quickly got his pick out as she leaped at him, he threw it through the loop as her body flew into their defense.She dangled over the void and calmly stood still.Clash motioned over to Plat and looked at Mary.He nodded and swung super fast on Bub.Clash spun over Plat's body and fought with Bub.
"FISTS OP!"Bub threw his sword aside and tackled Clash, Bub kept punching him rapidly.Bub let go of Clash by the edge.He stumbled a little bit and reach out for the nearest thing, Bub's shirt.Clash stuck his leg out and pulled Bub over his stretched out leg.The both of them fell through the void as their body disintegrated into dust.About 12 seconds, Clash respawned.Platypus,Isa, and Reak was fighting off yellow,red, and Blue.He took out his bow and ran on top of the barricades containing the flag.He aimed carefully at the other teams and kept shooting.Clash finally leaped off and helped them finish off the rest.
"So splitting up didn't work, we should rush Yellow Team."They ran through the middle and leaped platform to platform.Arriving at Red's base, they found they were already waiting for them.Wolf leaped at Reak, Yssirk slide over to Isa, and Bub tackled Platypus.Mary threw her pick at Clash, who moved.She lunged at Clash and tackled him to the ground.He could hear a girl with a stuffed mouth(Nutella, guess who that is...)
"OMG, I TOTALLY SHIP IT, Totally going on Instagram.Follow ChunkShips_!"
"Crap.."He shoved off Mary and bounced up, Clash spun his sword at Mary who leaned backward.Clash ran forwards and caught her.
Clash dropped Mary and let go of his sword.Mary caught it between his legs and sliced Clash's ankle.
"Neko got Green Team's flag!"
"Pixiee got Blue Team's flag!"

"Guys!I have an idea!SWITCH UP!!"Clash turned around to see Isa leapfrog over him to fight Mary.Platypus slashed at Yssirk and Reak fought off Bub.Alex moved slowly as if out of breath.Clash easily shoved him off the edge.Isa slid his sword through Mary's chest, Platypus shoved his sword through Yssirk's mouth, and Reak penetrated Bub's eye.They hi fived each other and saw Neko running to his base.
"Isa shoot an arrow at me now!"Isa hesitated and run off, he turned and aimed at Clash who turned his sword into a 74 degree angle.Isa let go as Clash easily caught the arrow with his sword.He shot it through the air, the arrow soared the wind as it went through Neko's head.
"Neko dropped the flag!"Reak already got the yellow flag and dashed across the arena,Platypus ran with Reak.Isa stayed with Clash and went after Blue team.Reak captured the flag along with Pixiee.Clash fought with Hashtags who moved smoothly side to side. Reak sliced his way into Blue team's flag.He ran to their flag quickly to capture it.After 2 minutes, Clash was at his flag defending it.The team had collected a bunch of picks that lies by his feet.A huge mob of red,blue, and yellow ran at him.He gripped the two picks in his hand harder.Clash spun his pick across the air into someone's head, it only slowed them.He repeatedly threw pick after pick at the mob.He watched Platypus holding Red's flag, Reak holding Blue's, and Isa's holding Green's.They easily pushed everyone off the edge and captured the flags.One hour later, they arrived at the school.They got off and stood at the entrance.
"It's locked.."A hulking figure walked towards the gate.He lifted it up at ease and put it aside.
"Uh..Flamin?WHAT ARE THOOOOSE!!"DarkPit yelled at Flamin's bulging biceps.
"Steroids that's what."Clash turned and saw a girl kissing Ultay.
They went to all their classes, until P.E.Coach Ben greeted them with his smile.Clash looked around for the tables, instead he saw a basket full of sport balls.
"Oh god...We're doing-"
The class screamed loudly, at the sound of the word "Sports".

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