Chapter 12

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Clash woke in pain of sleeping on the couch.He headed to his room not remembering Natalia was in there.Clash opened the door and blushed.Natalia was undressing his clothes, she turned and screamed.Clash slammed the door and ran out the door with his book bag.
He went on the bus and realized no one was on.Not even Isa or Pixiee.He went off the bus alone and walked towards the school.He walked onto the property and blacked out.Clash fell to the floor and and knocked out.He awoke in his dorm bed with Isa sitting next to him.

"Good Morning :D"

"Morning..What happened?"

"I found you at the entrance of the school so I took you to our room."


Principal Mac's voice boomed the whole school.

"Attention!ALERT ALERT!THERE IS AN INTRUDER IN THE SCHOOL!LOCK YOUR DOORS AND HIDE!HE HAS A WEAPON!I REPEAT HE HAS A WEA-GAHHHHHH"The sound of a knife running through skin sounded the building.

"Watch out...I'm coming.."The intercom stopped as Isa sprung up from his seat and ran to lock the door.Many minutes pasted, until a scream came from the end of the hallway.Isa dug into his pocket and took out the recording device.The device snaked down his leg and into his shoe.

"Initiate Sound Definition..Oh my gosh, the killer is with Kat!"Isa ran through the door and dashed down the hall.Clash peeked out the door to see Isa leaning over Kat's dead body crying.The killer raised its knife over Isa.

"ISA WATCH OUT!"Isa turned, but not in time..The killer struck Isa's body with immense force, Isa lied out in a puddle of crimson.The killer stabbed Isa repeatedly over and over again.Clash closed the door and leaned against the wall, his hands trembled right before his eyes.

"Isa...Kat...right in front of me.."He peeked out the door, Kat and Isa still lied on the floor.He ran out to find Tenchii's and a girl named Voiices's body strapped to the wall with duct tape.Their index fingers were almost touching, Blood splattered the walls.The blood spelt words saying,"It's sad..That they will never ever hold hands EVER again..."
Clash stared at the words again, his eyes stung.He turned around to go to the railing, he leaned over to look down the floors.Clash watched as he saw the killer chase after two boys named Sport and Shockk.The killer hurled its knifes into their backs and killed them.Kian ran over to him and patted him.

"I saw the killer murder Juh..Yont..Uh..Sketch was the last one I think?"Clash nodded and ran with Kian up to high floors.

"The higher we are, the more brutal it is...-almost throws up-"He saw OhHacks's body leaning up a wall, holes covered him left and right.A cat by the name of Kaelin meowed weakly and pulled out her paw before dying.He saw the killer pushing a boy named OneBar into a tub of water.Sounds of garbling came before a small garble came and stopped.Clash watched a girl by the name of MeowPurr struggling in rope while the killer set up a trap.Meow looked at Clash with pleading eyes when he stared back with uncaring ones.The killer let go of the rope as a axe came flying through the air and went into her head, killing her on impact.A boy named KingBurat leaped off the railing and commited suicide, unable to handle the pressure.Fairuh and Kev died hugging each other and crying.A boy named Pai will killed trying to defend himself.Another boy named Tank was beheaded, his head hung by the ceiling frowning down on him.Clash walked around the now silent school.Red painted the walls, Clash and Kian who was vomiting in the bathroom seemed to be in shock.Clash walked alone the school, Kian screamed loudly.Clash whipped around to see the killer stuff his knife into Kian's screaming mouth.Clash almost cried for Kian, but didn't.

"Circle of Life.."

Clash went to the dorms and found Jerem hanging by his hands from the ceiling.Vvero lied outside her dorm facedown in the blood puddle.He walked by watching even more death.The thing that got him to snap, he walked into Dark's dorm and found the killer hanging Dark.Clash's eyes widen, he ran out the door and dashed up the stairs with the killer following him.He went to the roof and ran to the edge.He looked down at the entrance and turned to see the killer.Clash leaped off the edge and flew through the air.His body zoomed through the wind as his body crashed through the concrete.His eyes didn't open....

He jumped up and looked around him.Clash found a note saying

"Go back home"He ran to his house and unlocked his door.Everyone from school yelled SURPRISE.He looked at everyone and simply said,"Fuck you".He ran up to his room and dove into his bed.Kian and Isa walked in,"Dude are you ok?"

"No, you guys made me see my fear..One I can't unsee ever.This birthday is one that I wish I could forget.."

Isa grabbed Clash and dragged him to his living room.Everyone partied like there was no tomorrow, some people even got drunk and wasted.


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