Let's begin

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Hello my name is (insert name here) and welcome to my wattpad thingy .... Let's begin

  I feel so useless somtimes  like I'm forced to watch somthing but somthing is preventing me from helping ..... That's how I feel when I try to help but end up making things worse.  For example I will Ty to help my friend feel better but then I realize she doesn't want to feel better and that I have offended her (screw up 1). I try to understand situations that I will never understand (screw up 2). And after I try to help I generally make things AKWARD and don't know what to say or how to act around that friend .

I want to help I want to make people feel better but whenever I try it doesn't work which is why I feel so useless. So in a group of friends I am not the psychiatrist I am the nerdy geeky girl who generally happy and will try to cheer people up. I don't want to feel useless I want to make people feel better and I want to tell my friends when there going through alot of complicated stuff that I won't ever understand is that YES YOUR BLUE HIGHLIGHTS ARE KICK ASS or that YOU WORK THAT TALLNESS or YOUR AWESOME or at least this weird one of UR NOT UGLY OR FAT YOU R A FREAKING MODEL.....just go with it here. I want to help and when I don't succeed I will go to bed with such a guilty feeling in my chest the somtimes I will start to cry.  I want to help really I do I want  to make sure that they know that they are not and never will be alone , they have friends who care a lot about them and family who love them. I want to help and not feel useless but I don't know where to start or what to say.

The end I guess sorry if it is to emotional for Yall but if it is DEAL WITH IT lol ik this was a mishmash of stuff but bear with me bear with me luv ya guys a PEACE;)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2015 ⏰

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