Lonley Moon

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In the sky I lay surrounded by stars but you shine brighter than all of them.

In the sky I lay waiting for the day time to arrive.
But the day comes I leave because I feel the darkness that surrounds me scares you.

You come with light ever so bright I live for the nights forever in fight.

Meeting you is a challenge I face every day.

Not knowing if you will accept me and my chaos because you rule the cosmos.

If the time come were you should be able to share your light and I share my darkness

I'll keep our love on the dark because darkness is what I rule
You'll keep our hearts shining with love for light is what you reign over.

We work together although completely different
Some come to me to rest and put their pain to rest
Some come forth to you to spread their joy with others.

Is our love forbidden?
Or is their a place hidden where we can meet.

Your my one and only
Although I stay in the sky forever lonely.

I am the only moon I wish to meet you soon...

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