Let The World End

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A land of beauty seen from afar

Fire, explosives true destruction
Pandemonium all around

Despair from all sides
I find myself in the centre of all of it

"I'm surrounded by fools." I say not even sure if I'm a fool myself

I'm full of myself, thinking I'm superior to all that none can understand me

But little do I know me putting myself so high, invites solitude .

Alone in this cage, that's being destroyed by words, influence and the 'fools'

I realise that this cage was my state of mind, and I let Negativity get the best of me.

I let all that in, so in the end I am at fault, surrounded by 'fools', so being higher than them makes me the King Of Fools

There's still hope for me, my body full of scars and burns

All I have good in me is a smile
At times I left myself suffer in order for others to enjoy their lives.
A smile sometimes I fake it...

I hold all the pain, but for how long can I take it...

My last poem for the year:)
Please vote and comment till next year awesome people \0/!!!!!! Stay awesome

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