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Today is Saturday and I was going to go to the mall with my friends but my parents said they needed to talk to me about something.

"So your probably wondering why we called you down"said my dad.

"Well yeah, you made me skip my plans for this."I said unpatiencely.

I was drinking my water until I heard "we're moving". I quickly spit out my water and said"WHAT?!".

"Surprise??"my mom said."Your dad's job moved him to the industry in Flordia so we're moving there".

"When are we leaving?"I asked.

"Tomorrow"my dad said fearing of how I might react.

"Tomorrow? I haven't even packed!"I yelled

"We know that's why we told you to cancel your plans today"my mom said.

"Well I have to start right now or I'll never finish"I said hurrying to get to my room as fast as I can.

I put some music on and started packing while I danced to it. I finished around 12 in the morning everything was in the boxes. I'm going to miss this place. I thought of all the memories I had here and how by tomorrow I will be starting a new chapter in my life. My friends came over today to say goodbye and help me out with packing. We shared a few tears but that's what friends are for. What about my dancing career no one know about me or my dancing. I guess it will come in handy in the future. I hope moving to Flordia is a good idea.

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