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           Eli's hands left my shoulders. I fell to my knees, the scene of Mom's death replaying over and over again in my mind. Nausea threatened to slam over me again. Hussain slowly shook his head. "No she's not. She can't be." He whispered. I didn't meet his eyes.

"Yes she is, Hussain," I murmured, my voice cracking. "She died in my hands." Eli wrenched the gun from my waist band and spun around toward the forest. "You can't go there. There's soldiers looking for us. We... we need to leave." I sputtered, trying to get up and go after him. Dad stayed quiet, as if not believing me. Eli whirled back around, glaring down at me.

"I don't care. They'll die today." He snarled. Hussain grabbed Eli's arm. "They'll kill you before you can." Eli yanked himself from Hussain's grip. "I. Don't. Care." He growled.

         As Eli took a step forward, Dad came back to life and gripped his oldest son by the shoulder. "We need to leave." He said, his voice deadly quiet. Eli frowned at Dad. "We need to get Mom. How can you say that? She's dead." Eli hissed . Dad ignored Eli and walked over to our horses. He began to untie his horse. I remained on the ground, the numbeness spreading throughout my body. She was dead. The world simply didn't feel like it should continue.

Eli dropped the gun at my feet, looking  down at me with disgust.

     "How could you let this happen?" His eyes were an empty void. My chin quivered. "I-I tried, Eli. There was—"

                    I yelped out in surprise as Eli gripped my arm and yanked me to my feet. His furious eyes met mine. My stomach churned as he brought his fist back to punch me when Hussain launched himself on Eli. I stumbled away from him, the words getting caught in my throat. Eli thought it was my fault. But maybe it was...

       Shouts came from behind me. I slowly turned away from Hussain and Eli's fight. Time slowed as the soldiers on the horses ran toward us. I turned around and yelled for my brothers to stop. I felt my mouth open and take an eternity for the words to leave my mouth.

                                   My eyes closed for a solid minute, then I realized that I just blinked. I yelled again and I couldn't hear my voice. All the sounds faded away. Muffled sounds rang behind me, getting louder by the second. I shook my head and snapped back into the present. Time began to hit me harshly, sending me back to reality.

           I shoved Eli with all my might, making him stumble backwards. Before he could say anything his eyes met the soldiers closing in behind me. Sending me a quick disapproving look, Eli dashed away, helping Dad. Hussain's eyes widened as he ran after Eli. I sprinted to the tent, undoing it from its nail that was dug into the ground. 

                     An arm yanked me away from the tent. "We don't have time!" Dad yelled. Jax and Odin were barking and snarling at the soldiers. Dad shook his head. "No time! Run!" He yelled at everyone. Hussain released his horse's bridle and his horse neighed before galloping away. Dad set his horse free as well.

           Eli released Mom's horse. Before he could get to mine shots rang. I grabbed the gun off the ground and stuck it in my waist band again. I ran to Aspen and untied his bridle that was bound to a log. The soldiers were closing up fast.

                              I pushed myself up on Aspen's back and squeezed my heels. Aspen came to life, rearing back before galloping into the forest. Dad yelled something at me. I shook my head. "Keep running! Keep the dogs with you! I'll catch up!" I shouted. Edwin yelled as well, but I ignored him, Aspen galloping away.

          I steered Aspen to a sharp right, using the simple leather bridle. We didn't have enough money for the bridles with the silver pieces in them so our bridles are just a simple knot. I brush my tears and blink rapidly, trying to clear my vision. 

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