Further into the Destruction

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After washing myself again, and reading for hours, I finally emerged from the library. I had no idea where Esmeralda was, she ate dinner with me the night before but after that we went straight to bed.

We conversed only a few times. I still didn't know whether to trust her or not. I padded down the stairs, scratching my head. I found Esmeralda laying on the floor with one arm draped over her eyes. Snores left her open mouth.

I nudged her with my foot, causing her to jerk awake. "Wha...?" She trailed off, wiping drool from her chin. "Wake up, I'm about to eat breakfast if you want to join." I said, turning away from her.

The linen pajamas I found fitted me a bit too big. They dragged at my ankles. The blouse was a little big as well, showing off my neckline.

I ran my fingers through my hair, still not use to the shortness of it. I couldn't even pull it back in a ponytail. I sighed as I ruffled through the food in the refrigerator. "I can cook today." Esmeralda said from behind. I jumped from surprise. She was a quiet walker.

"I'm fine, Esmeralda. I want to learn how to use these strange devices." I said, looking into the dictionary in my hand. Esmeralda snorted.

"I want to eat today, and at the pace you're going we won't eat until tomorrow. Besides, stop calling me Esmeralda. It's weird. People call me Mer or Merry." She said.

I gave her a flat look. "Fine, Merry. Go ahead and cook. Tell me when you're done." I said, heading toward the stairs. She nodded, grabbing pots and pans. As I got to the first stair, I heard Esmeralda call after me. I glanced over my shoulder.

"Would it be alright to explore Polis after breakfast? I want to get my belongings before I officially move in." She said. I paused. I really didn't want to go outside with the rebels overtaking the city.

But then again, I couldn't stay in the house forever. Eventually the food supply would go down and I would have to hunt in the forest that bordered Polis.

Esmeralda risked everything in order to warn me. Maybe I should do the same, I thought to myself. I nodded. "Sure, but it will have to be quick. I don't want the rebels seeing us." I muttered. Esmeralda nodded violently. "I'm better at sneaking around than you think I am." She said as if it were obvious.

I turned back to the stairs. "Sure you are." I mumbled under my breath. I returned to the library, my finger twitching with anticipation. I took a seat on my usual reading spot on the window ledge. I flipped through the book pages.

I liked to read the dictionary. It held so much information that I never knew. After dinner the day before, I had found out how to operate a toilet. Amazing.

And a computer? It seemed too good to be true. I read on about history. Our region was ruled over by a democracy.

It was basically like having five kings. Only five men were allowed to make the rules for the people. I frowned as I read on. Back when part of the Great Terrains use to be United States, there were people who were called senators or governors.

Women were allowed to work at the same rank as the men.

Why not now?

My fingers gripped the thin paper too hard. I gasped as the paper ripped. I cursed at myself as I tried to mend it back together. Maybe I could sow it? I shook my head.

No. This was paper. Too thin for sowing. I skipped a bunch of pages, not interested in the list of presidents.

My eyes moved rapidly up and down as I soaked it all in. It use to be a beautiful country. No rebellions, no violence. But as I continued flipping pages I noticed how wars became a pattern. People fought over the world for nothing. All we are is a speck in the galaxy.

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