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A/N: this takes place after Joker cuts off his face and staples (I don't know?!) it back on. Like the picture on the book cover.
**Nightwing (Dick Grayson)**

I woke up to Barbara shaking me.

"Wake up!" She whispered softly. My eyes fluttered open.

"What?" I whispered back. Only then did I realize we were hanging upside down, like bats. Our feet were cuffed to the wall. Our hands were cuffed separately and chained to the wall, letting move them only about eight inches up. A smile like Joker's was painted on Barbara's face and mine, and was probably in our blood (look at the smile on Barbara's face in the multimedia, but on both of their faces.)

There were no cuts on us for the time being, so we were safe.

"Joker is gone. So we're okay..." Barbara reached for my hand and I let her take it. I was hanging pretty close to Babs.

"Hey," I assured her, "we're gonna be fine, OK?" She nodded slightly. Barbara leaned her forehead against mine and closed her eyes. It was silent exception our soft breaths, making puffs of white in the cold air. It felt nice, even though we were kidnapped.

"Hellooo Birdies!" Joker laughed. "Todaaay, we are going to see who is behind the masks!"
**Red Robin (Tim Drake)**

I couldn't believe that they were kidnapped. Dick, well, I looked up to him. And Barbara was like a sister to me.

I slouched down onto a chair in the Batcave. Bruce was on his Batcomputer, Damian was watching what he was doing, and Jason was sitting next to me. Jason took off his hood and the masks under it. He actually looked sad. I always thought that when he died and came back to life, his sense of love and care was gone.

I guess I was wrong.
**Batgirl (Barbara Gordon)**

The Joker walked to Dick first. Once he was about to rip of his mask, Dick slammed his head against Joker's. But Joker had his knife with him, and he got a deep cut on his forehead before he ran away.

"Are you OK?!" I whisper-yelled, wide-eyed

"To be honest, not really..." Dick muttered. I stretched my hand out to touch his cut. It was a pretty deep cut. I pressed it softly to stop the bleeding, but Dick still winced.

"You know, if we hang upside down for any longer, we could get a heart attack or something." Dick noted.

"Oh thanks, that really lightened the mood!" I said, sarcastically.
**Batman (Bruce Wayne)**

I worked through the night trying to figure out where Dick and Barbara were. Everyone fell asleep in the cave. I was so frustrated.

Dick and Babs-They could be dead by now for all I know.

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