L.O.V.E. chapter 8

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Glad to see how much you guys actually like this 😒 like honestly I looked and my first chapter got 16 reads and then after that it was like the same 4 people reading it. IS IT HONESTLY THAT BAD!? CAUSE IF IT IS TELL ME AND I'LL STOP WRITING IT!

Anyways, here going another stupid chapter that only 4 people are going to read. Listen to Give Me Love by Ed Sheeran to set the mood. The 8 minute version please. And put it on repeat. Thanks.

Chapter 8

Death is Just That Close


Once Niall came down the stairs, he ran into the kitchen. Food. That's all he dreamt about. I honestly bet you $20 that's what he dreamt about every night. The doorbell rang and I ran to the door, letting Niall take over the food. "Hey guys!" I said welcoming Kylie and Cassie into our home.

"Hi!" they replied in unison. I took their coats and put them on the rack. We walked into the living room when suddenly 4 dorks burst through the door.

"We're home!" Louis shouted over everyone.

"Damn Lou! I think you damaged my hearing!" I heard Niall yell from the kitchen.

"It wasn't THAT loud." Lou tried to argue.

"YES IT WAS!" the rest of us yelled. That boy needs to realize that he can't be that loud. But that's also what makes him so fun and loving. His personality. I could probably go on forever about each of the boys and why I like them, but I don't want to bore you to death.

"Babe! Help!" I heard Niall yell from the kitchen. I rushed over with everyone following behind me.

"GOD DAMN IT NIALL! I THOUGHT YOU WHERE GOOD AT COOKING!" I yelled at him, tying to recover the very black and burnt food. Everyone started to laugh as I scrapped it into the garbage. I turned around to see Louis trying to feed Bear a piece of the grossly burnt food.

"Louis William Tomlinson. If you dare feed that dog that food, you will not have fingers tomorrow." I heard Eleanor say. I laughed slightly. She can control him like no one else. I wonder how bad he was as a child. Did he ever start fires in the bathroom?


"Why don't we go out to the little italian place near main street?" Liam said. "It looked good when we drove by on our way over." everyone else shook their heads.

"Well then it's settled. We're going to get Italian!" Niall said as he grabbed the car keys from the counter and ran to the front door. Niall and I went in his car with Harry in the back. Louis, Eleanor, Liam and Dani went into a different car. Zayn and Perrie took their car, with Kylie and Cassie in the back. The whole drive I held Niall's hand. The radio was on just so it wasn't an awkward silence. We stopped at a stop light and I faced Niall. "Your the best girl in the world. Don't you forget it." Niall whispered in my ear. As I went to kiss him, I heard a click of a camera. And another one. Then another. But then a big flash of light came from Niall's side of the window. We just ignored it and I turned to Harry as Niall started to drive again.

"Harry!" I hissed as he started laughing. My phone went off with a twitter alert. Another stupid person calling me names.

"You might want to check that." Harry managed to say through laughs. I unlocked my phone and saw that there was a new tweet from Harry. 'Awwww look at how cute Niall and Kat are! Just don't get us killed!' I clicked the link for the picture. It was me and Niall kissing with our hands intwined together. It was a cute picture. I saved it cause I'm just a dork like that.

"What is it princess?" Niall asked. I showed him the picture and he blushed and smiled.

"Your welcome!" Harry said from the back seat as we came into the parking lot. We got out of the car and went inside getting a booth. We made it there before everyone else. Well the torture comes soon. Thanks, Harry. My phone buzzed again. I looked and saw a picture that a fan posted. 'Kat and Niall are to cute!' it read. I clicked the picture. It was of me and Niall in the car, but the picture was taken from outside of the car. THE PAPS. I shoved my phone into Harry's face. It took him a second, but then he realized it.

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