L.O.V.E. chapter 9

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Welp, here you go.

Chapter 9




I screamed like a crazy person while we started to pull out of the lot. "What's the pain?" one of them asked.

"My... Side..." I tried to say. I got a sharp stabbing pain in my side, causing me to scream like I did.

"It's ok miss, you'll get to the hospital soon and everything will be ok." the paramedic said. We got to the hospital within 5 minutes and I was rushed into a room with bright lights and an uncomfortable looking bed. The put me on that bed and started to yell retarded things I couldn't even make out. My mind was racing and my heart was beating 1000 miles per second. I'm surprised I haven't died yet.

"Alrighty honey! Just breathe in this stuff and the pain will go away!" the doctor said. They put a mask over my mouth and I was pulled down into the darkest of the dark.

I woke to voices murmuring near the end of my bed. "Ah miss Hastings, your awake!" (A/N I love pretty little liars so much you would be annoyed if you where my friend and you didn't like it at all.)

"Yes I am. Do you mind telling whys going on?" I asked the nurse that came to check on the iv bags and some other stuff that I have no clue about.

"Well you where just in shock, but that's not the only thing we noticed." the nurse said as she looked at the doctor.

"Your cancer spread to your right side. When the concrete fell and hit your right side, it left a bruise and the tumor had been hit. So now we have tried to remove it, but it looks like it spread more. You'll need to go to the hospital out in L.A. to get it gone for, possibly, ever. We were able to get rid of part of it but, the other half will need to be done out in L.A. so you should be fine for a while."

"When will I be getting that done?"

"In about 2 months." he said. I had 2 months to go and get rid of this. To be fine and be cancer free. YESSSS! "So we can now let you go." the doctor said, cutting off my train of thought.

"Alrighty then." I said. "Wait, where Niall?" I asked.

"He's in the waiting room. If you can please go to the front desk and fill out the papers, I can let you go!" the doctor replied. I was about to get up, but the nurse handed me a bag with clothes and pointed to the washroom.

"You might want to change, honey." she said.

"Oh. Ok then." I said as I walked to the bathroom. I grabbed out the clothes in the bag. My comfy yoga pants, my underwear, bra, a t-shirt and Niall's sweater. I got changed out of the hospital clothes and grabbed my phone out of the bag.

To: Nialler the Greatest and Sexiest

Hey baby, I'm just getting dressed. I should be out in a few. Can you go to the front desk and start to fill out the forms? xx

Not even seconds later, I got a text back.

From: Nialler the Greatest and Sexiest

Great to see your ok! I love you and I'll be waiting for you! xx

I should really never give him my phone again. Like never ever ever. (A/N we, are never ever ever, getting back together!)

We got home and I went strait to the kitchen for food. Mmmmm, food. I grabbed out a bag of crispers and went to sit on the couch. Bear came up on the couch and sat on my lap. "Hi baby!" I said. I grabbed out mmy phone and took a picture of him.

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