Chapter 1

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WARINING: ok so this is my first time writing a fanfic so there may be many grammar, spelling etc. errors. i have no idea where I'm going with this book so bare with me 😂. Also there will be self harm , eating disorders, and high depression in this. please do not read if you feel uncomfortable or anything like that. well I hope you enjoy!

Harry's Pov
"Fag, ugly , fat , disgusting"

Those are words I hear everyday. Whether it'd be from my abusive mum and her boyfriend or my bullies at school. I can never get away from the harsh words that I know are true. The only people that are keeping me alive right now is Niall my best friend and Louis. Well Louis and I technically never talked before but I may secretly have a crush on him. He's just so beautiful. The way his ocean blue eyes sparkle and his perfect pink lips curved beautifully. Oh, and the large arse of his, that sways in a sassy but sexy way when he walks. Am I a stalker? No! Well maybe a little bit, but Louis' doesn't seem to notice when I check him out. He actually doesn't notice me at all. The only time he ever looks at me is when his best friends Luke and Zayn are beating the shit out of me. Sometimes when he's watching I'll look into those eyes and I'll see sadness? regret? fear? I'm not really sure. I don't know why he's upset though , he's never bullied me physically before. He's called me a fag a couple of times but that's all.

Another thing about Louis is that he's popular. He is the most popular boy in school along with Liam, Zayn, and Luke. Liam stays away from the bullying, but not Zayn and Luke. They abuse me every day. It's like if they skipped a day they would die. The only time they don't bully me is when Niall's around. That's why he's my best friend, or brother as I would say. We've known each other since we were three and always had each others backs. But I don't know why they're scared of Niall. He's sweet, funny, and adorable. No, I don't like him in that way, but he is very attractive.

I'm pretty sure the bullying started 2 years ago. My freshman year of high school. It was when I came out gay, not knowing 70% of our school was homophobic. I also thought my mum and Robin , her boyfriend, would accept me. I thought wrong. As soon as I told them my mum pushed me to the ground and started saying harsh words as Robin punched me multiple times. That's when I knew my life was shit.

I couldn't get away from the hate, the pain. The only place I could get away was in my bathroom with my razor. I don't remember the last time I went clean, it's been awhile. I have cuts all the way from the top of my wrist to the crease in my elbow. It was pretty disgusting, but it felt good. It felt good to cause myself the pain that I deserved. I look in the mirror and I'm disgusted with myself. I'm ugly, fat, too tall, and so many more things. I try to not eat to loose weight and it's actually starting to work.

But that's enough about my background. Right now I'm at school, about to walk into science. I hate science because I have that class with Luke and Zayn. I sat in the back as usual and took out my books and started writing.

"Fag! You don't deserve to live. Go kill yourself , if you haven't already tried." Zayn spat.

I just looked down trying not to make eye contact and get more hurt. But yes it is true, I have tried to kill myself. Sadly my sister Gemma happened to visit that night and saved me.

" You ugly piece of shit , answer me when I talk to you." Zayn yelled
I ignored him one again. That was a big mistake. He grabbed my shirt and threw me ok the ground, saying things like " Ugly Fag" and "Kill yourself already" , while Luke punched me in the stomach.

Thankfully the teacher walked in and Zayn and Luke quickly went to their seats. But when Zayn sat down he mouthed "I'm not finished with you." I gulped and nervously nodded. I'm in some deep shit I thought to myself.


comment what you guys think 😁😁 should I keep going with this or no?

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