Like A Boss

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Me and Michelle walk in our first class (history). I groan feeling sheer disapointment.

"Stace?? ", Michelle says snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yea?? " I reply, "Did you hear the announcement?? "

"uhhh no, what did they say?? " I ask in confusion.
"Soccer try-outs!?! " she states in a obvious tone. "Really? Awesome,we have to try out then! "
"Ughh please I don't even want to be there I mean you'll slay all them like a boss anyway," she says winking at me. I laugh at this, only to realize she's not kidding. She actually means it. Well let me explain I was basically the captain in my Primary School, I was also voted the best player in my soccer club.

"Well thanks though, I'll definitely try out today," I smile back.

We walk into the class, we get Wolf whistles from the players of our class. I don't really care much though neither does Michelle. And that's one of the reasons she's my best friend. We sit beside each other we wait for Mrs.Gilly to call our names from the register .
The lesson begins leaving me in a critical state of boredom (hint:the over exaggeration) .

The next three lessons go by pretty fast. Finally lunch time. But on my way to the spot me and Lee claimed
I bumped into a hard chest.
"Dude watch were you going!? " I exclaim " Me??, maybe you should watch where you going shorty! " he replys. I shoot him an icy cold glare, but he just returns a handsome smile back. The boy I just bumped into is fine, if I do say so myself. He has gelled curls and his smile is breath taking(like literally). He introduces himself " Hi, I'm Timmothy you?? "
" I feel as if I actually don't have any other choice but to tell you my name jerk. " I state quite boldly.
He seems surprised but nods anyways so I say my name " Stacy. " and with that I walk away leaving a speechless yet handsome Tim.

I might be in love with a jerkDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora