The One With The YouTube Vlogger

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Ross's POV

Oh, Rachel, Rachel. Idea. I'll send her a Facebook message about my feelings, and then avoid her.... Unless she comes up to me.

"OH MY GOD."Chandler barges in, carrying an open laptop on his shoulder.

"What happened?" Rachel curiously asks.

"You do NOT know who has become one of the biggest YouTube vloggers on the planet!" He shouts before setting his laptop on the table. The video starts.

"Hello!!! OH. MY. GAAAAWWWDD. I've hit half a million subscribers." The familiar woman on the screen says.

"Wow. Good for Janice." Rachel says.

"I can't believe it!" Chandler freaks it.

"Just lay off it, man. Nothing's gonna happen to you." I say, while taking a bottle of water from the fridge.

"Meng!" Joey runs in with his Galaxy Note. He had messy hair, a dirty shirt, cheese around his mouth, and tired eyes.

"What now?" I lean on the sofa.

"Guess who I found on Tinder!" Joey screams while shoving the phone in our faces. It was Phoebe. She was wearing all black and her hair was set back. She did not at all look like the happy, colorful Phoebe we know.

"Oh..." Rachel gets shocked.

"Hey guys!" Happy Phoebe walks in.

"Aah!" Joey runs to Phoebe and shows her the phone.

"Oh... Hi, me!" Phoebe smiles, while sitting down.

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