4. Meeting The In-Laws

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When the couple got home, Gabriel set and wrapped Anna's ankle. Velken and Boris made crutches for her to use and she's ok on flat surfaces, but she struggles on the stairs. Gabriel helps her on them and he lets her try on her own here and there for some practice, but she still needs him for support.

It's the next morning and Gabriel's parents along with his sister are to arrive any minute. Gabriel gets dressed in his normal clothes and walks over to Anna's room. He knocks on the door. "Come in." He heard.

He walked in and smiled. "Hey, Darling. You ready to meet my parents?"

"They're here?!?"

"Not yet. But they should be any minute. You need help getting your corset on?"

"Please?" She begged looking at him.

Gabriel chuckled and helped her put it on. "There."

Anna turned around and pecked his lips. "Thank you, Love."

"Of course." He replied handing her, her crutches. He helped her down the stairs quickly and they walked into the den. "Morning!"

Annabelle and Boris looked up. "Ah. Good morning, Lovebirds." Boris greeted.

Anna raised an eyebrow of suspicion. "How'd you even know?"

Annabelle and Boris both laughed. Annabelle recovered first and spoke. "It's pretty obvious, Hunny. Gabriel looks at you the same way your papa always looked at me. Still does." She added looking at her husband who finally recovered.

Boris smiled at her then turned back to the couple. "Our own marriage was not arranged, but we were both royalty. When we met, it was fate. We talked to our parents and they agreed that even though our soldiers were feuding, our union through marriage should stop it. That our countries would become allies."

"And for US, it made us only all the more happy because we were in love." Annabelle said.

"What does that have to do with us?" Anna asked confused.

"If it wasn't for all of us to arrange you two to be married, fate would have guided you to each other eventually anyway."

"So basically, what you're saying is, fate itself was only pushed forward earlier?"

"Yes. Hence the reason you two are in love before the week is up." Boris said.

Anna couldn't help, but laugh with joy as she looked at her betrothed. "I guess in a way that makes sense. I love you, Gabriel."

"I love you too, Anna." He replied and pulled her in for a soft, yet passionate kiss.

There was the sound of a doorbell, but the couple were oblivious to it caught up in their kiss. Annabelle shook her head smirking then grabbed Boris and they opened the door to see Gabriel's parents. "Hello! Welcome to our home in Vaseria." Annabelle greeted.

"Thank you. You remember Abraham and Rose." Valerie said.

"Yes! Of course. Come in, come in." Both Valerious' said and let them in.

"Wow! Your home is so LOVELY!" Valerie said looking around.

"Why thank you, Valerie." Annabelle replied. "It was originally decorated by our ancestor Valerious The Elder. But Boris here found it necessary to modify it a little. So we now have indoor plumbing and other small modern touches."

"I see."

"It really is a beautiful home." Abraham said.

"Thank you." Boris replied this time.

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