Static Inferno

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 "We're all that's left." The voice was hollow, empty and without any hope. The only two people left, sat there. A depressing silence dividing them, like a dark cloud descending onto dim light. "So much for a future." The other voice replied in a gloom tone, remembering all that they had once dreamt of. Those dreams were now gone and forever dead.

"Oh well. To bad no one will remember us as the last humans on earth." The first voice that spoke said.

"We aren't the last humans on earth. The last humans on earth are there." The second voice said as they motioned towards the countless corpses which laid about the ground.

"What even are we?" The first voice that spoke asked, their eyelids tired with all they have seen. The other shrugged, not knowing the correct answer. "We're the Static Eyes."

The other laughed at the response, "Static Eyes?" With a dull laugh they said, "I don't know, it just fits." And it did fit. Their memories that they saw through their eyes were not kind enough to be blurry. They was static, raging static that never stopped, like a bug that was constantly buzzing around them.

"Well Earth here we are. The Static Eyes. Do what you wish." They smiled, ready for whatever was to come. They dropped down and laid on the barren ground. The other did this too and both were soon laying next to each other in harmony, two supernova's in a dying galaxy. The depressing atmosphere had turned into a melancholy air.

"I wanted to be a doctor. I wanted to save people." The second and weaker said. Tears, like crystals, formed at their eyes. The other said nothing in reply yet, just staring at the burning sky. With an apathetic mood they said in return, "It's too late for that. We have nothing left; no dreams, no futures, no anything. So make something new."

This made the other laugh. "Something new? Please. We'll be dead by tomorrow."

"So what?"

"It won't mean anything."

The first one turned over and looked at the second one. "Of course it won't mean anything. Nothing means anything anymore. The Egyptians building the pyramids mean nothing now, the European countries colonizing the Old Americas mean nothing now, The Sun Wars mean nothing now. It all means nothing in this vast universe."

"How depressing."

"Just because it will mean nothing in the long term doesn't mean it won't mean something right now."

"I wish we could've died with the rest."

"Wishes? Really? I thought you were better than that."

"Don't make assumptions of me."

A cold silence feel between the two as the sky, in all it's crimsons, peaches, and golden colors, blasted its breath. The second asked in their scared and unsure voice, "Do you believe in an afterlife?" The first had to control them self not to laugh. "Of course not. They said the end was going to be in glory, rising up. But here we are. The last two, the Static Eyes. There is no glory and the only rays of sun that we see are the ones that will kill us in the end. We will not rise up but become crisps on this desert land."

It hurt the second one, a feeling that their insides were eating each other. This was the end. The preachers were wrong. There was no happy nirvana for the two Static Eyes; they would die and become brittle bone. Ceasing to exist forever. In their mind they almost thought they deserved it, after what they had done. But it had to be done. It didn't even matter, no one was there to punish them.

"So we just wait?" The second finally said, a sadness in their voice.

"I guess, so much for going out with a bang." The first replied. The first had always dreamed of being a hero, saving the day. Never did they think that saving the day meant that they would be left to rot. The day was saved but no one was there to enjoy it. The two there didn't feel saved but abandoned.

"Looks like it didn't matter which side you took. They all died regardless." The first said again. Then the sun gave up its energy, bursting out into the sky. The first and the second sat there, their eyes glistening as the sun devoured everything they ever knew. Like an arsonist, the sun set aflame to everything. The second one went first, the fires consuming them. The first was second, a smile melting from them as they became with the flames. The static of the universe still hummed to the dancing inferno.

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