Movies, Gurlfriends, and Hunter

39 4 7

Questions by GamerGirlAvery IllumiZoldyc

GamerGirlAvery's Questions
Have you seen The Maze Runner: Yes, and I loved it.
Do you have a Ds: Technically No, but I have a Ds i.

IllumiZoldyc's Questions
Have you seen Hunter x Hunter: Nope
Why would you like a Girlfriend Bro: This is pretty difficult to explain but I'll do it for you guys. Truly I don't have a lot of Family Members that I truly love. But Girls my age are usually really cool and are lovely and I'm usually really nice and a Girlfriend that I have stuff in common with, usually fills in that gap of love but not a lot of People at my school love Steven Universe, or Gravity Falls or basically stuff I like. That's pretty much my reasoning.

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