My Disappearance Incident

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Hey It's been requested and now I share why I was gone for 2 months.

So Teenagers do pretty stupid things when they are up late at night

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So Teenagers do pretty stupid things when they are up late at night. So I've been listening to this song- I can't decide by Scissor Sisters. There is this girl called Gracee at our school and most people know that she likes to overreact about everything. Don't believe me here's an example.

Well because I touched her side and we were friends then she didn't like it so she told me no and I stopped. That happened in November, Last year. And in January (and I haven't done anything to her.) She gets me in trouble for Sexual Harassment and I'm sent to iss for three days.

So now I'm mad at night in early March  and I decide to let my anger get on to social media and I made a video that seem like I wanted to kill her which is not what I intended to do and I couldn't believe I did it so about and hour of thinking I deleted the videos on Instagram and deleted the account. I made a second one to apologize.

I apologized 3 times and I was truly sorry I just wanted her to know that I made a big mistake. She didn't accept it so the next day I was sitting in class watching Pewdiepie 10 useless websites.

and I was told to go to the principals office no I went to the school officer and I was told to tell them everything and boy was I upset I told her sorry three times and she didn't believe I told her it was me but that was a big mistake but I felt like it was the right thing so I'm taking to a mental hospital to see if I'm mental stable for the word which I am.

I almost got expelled from school, and first of all it was not in school property or on school grounds. But I just went to the Alternative School. I was unable to write or do anything I was just worried about what's going to happen next.

I was told I was being charged for felony charges then my dad explained how o was away from her then it went down to misdemeanor. I was supposed to get a court day soon.

Today I have not seen a court day, I'm going back to regular school and still in honors. I'm off social media except YouTube. And that's my incident.

I'm scared to see who's on My side about this but I hope true people will understand. I will not give you any information about her so you can't harass her.

Let me know in the comments what you think.

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