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My name isn't Elm. It's just not.
I mean, like, it's not my name.
Elm is not even a nickname. It's just Elm. It's for tech.
It's one of my 45 different tech identities. I'm afraid I use Elm too much.
Call me Elm on Wattpad, or AJ, or Mice and I will be like, yep that's me!
Call me it in real life?
I'm sorry, I don't know who Elm is.
My life ever since, well, awhile ago, has been a plank. Like on Transformice. A plank tipping randomly to either side.
Who... am I?
Am I Elm? The happyer, moody person most people have come to respect?
Or am I... Myself?
Throughout Middle School I have had to live with that question.
In a week I'm going to High School.
I'm going to answer that question now.
My name isn't Elm.
It hasn't been Elm.
It will never be Elm.
My name is Emily.
And I know who I am.
I'm a red haired, hotheaded, rude, technology wiz.
I made it past Middle School.
I'm gonna make it past High School.
I'm turning 15 in December.
I cattie in the summer to earn money, and I've been working at Dairy Queen to save up for something special.
I can't spell very well.
I'm in advanced math and am always on the verge of flunking it.
I'm not athletic and haven't been able to do a cartwheel since I was 7.
Yep that's me. Emily. And I'm proud of it.

Ah yes, my real name at last. I had to use it for this book, just had to. Idk if Toad will use her real name... But we will see eh? There are a lot of things I still haven't said, and I don't intend to say. Mostly. I hope you guys end up liking this book, it's realistic fiction. Anyway, Toad should be updating soon... School tomorrow so that may not happen... TTYL. -E

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