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Toad. Such an odd name for a girl. Only some know the reason behind it, but not most. It's a long story and I don't feel like repeating it. It's complicated, probably not of your interest unless you were my best friend, Emily.

Rachel is a better name. Suits me, not you. I like sports. Correction I love sports. Volleyball mostly and soccer. I sometimes try and be a basketball pro but things don't go so well.

I'm probably the worst with computers. Or my computer just hates me. If you played with me on the computer you'd know how many time I crash in a day. Or accidentally clicked something.

Lets talk about my past. Also known as middle school. Life right now would be boring, useless even, if I hadn't met Emily. Actually I met her in summer cares few years back but all these other people that knew her hung with her. I wasn't one of them.

Now for my future. High school. Drama, drama, and drama. Homework, homework, and homework. Also a few crushes here and there. Was I ready? Nope. Was I ever going to be ready? Probably not.

Hey guys! Toad here and yes elm I used my real name too :). Well this was a boring chapter but hopefully the next one will be better. Sorry I forgot to update this so its late. Yeah


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2015 ⏰

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