Chapter One

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Pearl's POV
I got thrown against the wall as Garnet launched her fist. While the monster was distracted, I quickly threw my spear into its head. It screached as it threw me against the wall. I groaned as I stood up, and grabbed my spear from the ground. It shot an ice ball at Steven. He tried using his shield, but it still hit him. I gasped as I dropped my spear and ran to him. "Steven! Are you OK?" I asked. Pearl and Amythest were still fighting. "Yeah." He said, his hand still on the spot he got hit. I lifted up his hand, gasping to see a bruise. I see Steven down, and gave him an icepack, while I went, and fought on.

Garnet's POV
I launched my fist at it once again. It looked like it did no damage, until it screeched. It turned torward me, and Amythest made another move by tying it up. It shouted as it fell to the ground, and Pearl made the last move by stabbing it with her spear. I screeched louder than the wailing stone, then poofed. Amythest bubbled it, while I ran to Steven. "You, OK?" I asked, moving the icepack. "It hit you pretty hard." Steven nodded his head, as I gave him a piggyback ride to the warp. We then warped off.

Steven's POV
I sat on the couch, rubbing my bruise. It felt so bad! I then got out the icepack like Pearl said. I put it on my bruise, but it barely soothed it. I groaned again. I started to daydream, until a few voices woke me up. "I didn't bubble it! You did!" I heard Garnet yell. "I know I did! I just don't know were it went!" Amythest yelled back. "Well, wherever it is, we must find it!" Pearl nagged. I was just lying in the bed, when I saw something that had a shine to it. It looked like the crystal we poofed that gem in. I got up and shouted. "Pearl, Garnet, Amythest!" They didn't hear me. I just shrugged my shoulders, and went up to the crystal on the floor.

The Dimension Jumper an SU collaboration story with Ivone7Where stories live. Discover now