A want away from love

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Later in the day I was dressed and given the okay to leave the hospital. Darius and Lana were at my sides walking me out while Cho and Ko lingered behind us. Darius refused to let them even attempt to walk beside me. His protection mode was on full drive when it came to guys.

            When the hospital doors slid open tons of reporters surrounded us and started yelling. I  reached for Darius scared and looked around for Cho. He and Ko were being swallowed by reporters.  Their guards pushed the reporters back and we all rushed to the car. Lana stood outside the open door looking around a bit excited and scared before Darius grabbed her hand and pulled her into the car. She fell into his arms surprised.

            “Sorry...” Darius whispered to her while looking into her eyes.

            “Yeah.” Lana breathed out.

            “Aw it sucks I didn’t get much sight seeing done while I was here.” I pouted. “So how did you guys get out here?” I asked staring at them.

            “Of course we flew!” Lana chimed in excited now. “Do you know your brother has his own private plane?!”

            “I thought that would be the easiest way to get here fast enough.” He said plainly at an attempt to hide his embarrassment at Lana’s excitement.

            “I really liked it!” She smiled. “It was perfect” she blushed.

            “I bet it was!” I smiled, “I’m glad you two had fun!”

            Lana and I chatted the most of the car ride while Darius sat beside her smiling. Cho and Ko sat on either side of me awkwardly silent. Whenever Lana or I started to scream over something the other said they would look at each other clearly surprised at how us American girls could be so loud. They should be used to it though, being famous in all and all girls are loud!

            Ko finally chimed in, “So you guys have been friends since you were little?”

            “Yeah!” Lana said finally taking notice of Ko.

            She blushed and sat back in her seat.

            “You guys could be sisters! You even blush the same cute way!” He chuckled as she blushed even harder.

            At that statement both Darius and Cho glared over at Ko. He didn’t seem to mind.

I chuckled and looked out the window to find something to draw the attention away from the awkwardness. Ko leaned toward me and smiled.

            "If you like we could stop somewhere to sight see."  He said pulling my hand into his.

I looked down at our hands together. I felt a shiver run through me as he delicately lifted my hand and attempted to kiss it. I blushed and pulled my hand back. I could hear Lana giggle while Darius made a point to give Ko dagger eyes. 

            "Oppa I would much rather begin my adventure in Korea." I stammered not able to look at Cho. 

               "It's too bad you won't be joining us," Cho said flatly. 

                "Not exactly," Ko smirked. "I took time off in advance just incase I was chosen as the special idol. So i'm free to hang with you guys after all!"


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