My Korean Pop Star

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“Boy…I need a boy!” I sang dancing around my room. “Good no matter what he does!”

“And a good body too!” I laughed. “Boy…I need a boy!”

“Baby I need you!” I sang louder as I danced over to my desk mirror. “Boy…you need me too!”

Sitting down out of breath I looked at my reflection. I propped my fist under my chin and pouted my lower lip. I turned to the side flipping my short dark brown bob haircut with a smile on my face and started making kissy faces at myself in the mirror. My brown skin looked wonderful this morning.

“Oppa!” I whined “Saranghae.”

 “What are you doing Pavan?”

“Ahhh!” I screamed, “Don’t you knock?”

My brother Darius stood in my bedroom doorway with a smirk on his face trying to hold in the laughter.

“Don’t leave the door open if you don’t want people to see you acting like a weirdo!” He laughed.

“Hmmph, I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m just practicing my Korean, Babo!”

“Whatever!” He said walking over to me and looking at me through the mirror, “Just know your Korean boyfriend isn’t in that mirror little sis!”

“What’s so wrong with dreaming?” I laughed turning to hit him in his arm, “Besides the chances of me going to South Korea are zero to none!”

“And who said all Korean’s live in South Korea?” Darius asked.

“Ugh I know they don’t ALL live there, but it’s my biggest dream to walk the streets of Seoul, maybe walk across a beautiful bridge with gorgeous trees overhead, and an exotic pond beneath me. I could look up and find my true love staring back at me” I sighed dreamily.

Darius slightly hit me over the head with the DVD set of You’re Beautiful. One of my favorite Korean dramas. I looked at him in shock.

“Give me that!” I yelled snatching it from him, “Are you crazy? You could’ve broken it!”

He laughed while reaching out to tussle my hair with his hand. He grabbed the DVD from me and placed it ridiculously carefully back on the shelf near the mirror where he got it. I rolled my eyes while fixing my hair with my hands.

“Come on,” he said grabbing my bag off the floor in front of my bed covered in the Korean boy band B1A4’s comforter and pillow case set . “We gotta head over to the doctors to get you checked up.”

“Ugh!” I said following him out of my room and to the front door, “I’m not twelve! Why do you always have to come with me?”

I said pretending to be angry. I really appreciated my brother coming along. He is my biggest support system. When I was younger I was diagnosed with moderate aplastic anemia. For me that basically means my body doesn’t produce enough red blood cells and red blood cells carry oxygen to all parts of the body. So sometimes I get really tired, short of breath, or weak. My way to battle that is by taking iron supplements every day to make more red blood cells and occasionally going to the doctor to check my blood count for signs of my disease worsening.

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