Chapter 1

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Kyla's P.O.V

I liked Sky. She reminded me of myself. Her past was saddening; it depressed me just to hear it, but her ideas were beautifully chaotic. I wanted more of her by the minute. Her smell, her hugs, her sad eyes, her flaws. Im a senior, she's a sophomore; our families are both wealthy. If I ask her out, I doubt she'll dump me; who else would like the new girl? She'd fall more by the second if I did; with us both having wealthy roots, I doubt our families would be opposed.

She's the perfect target, but I can't deny having feelings already developing for her. I need to be careful what I say around her, how I act, what I do. She doesn't seem the type to be fully healthy inside- not with her way of thinking. I highly doubt I can break her, & if I do, she'll fix herself & kill me. I wonder how it feels like to have your walls up all the time; to think you're ugly, to think you're horrible. I want to find out her problems. But I need her to give me a strong emotion; I need to hurt her to make her perfect. But beauty is painful, isn't it?

Sky's P.O.V

"SKY! What are you doing?! Stop! She'll take advantage of you! She'll ruin your dream of a beautiful chaos, she'll make you have emotions, she'll make you soft," the voice hissed, hardening on the last words.

"Shut up," I mumbled in my sleep, rolling over. I'd moved to my grandparents after finally being disowned by mother dearest; I planned to move to my father's in the next month or so when school finished.

"Sky, listen to me. Please. You know what happens when you become soft; when your emotions get in the way. You get hurt. Isn't that why you dreamt of a new generation of humans? One that will have no emotions? You can choose another girl or boy to fall in love with, but she will play you like a violin. Please. She will seduce ; blind you, no matter whether her emotions for you are true or false. She will break your walls beyond repair..." the voice trailed off finally as sleep took over my senses, but the voice's words left a slew of nightmares to be dreamt.



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