Chapter 2

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Sky's P.O.V

I groaned as I stumbled into my Latin class. Just a bit of time left in the school year Sky, just hold on. When I saw a flash of blonde hair & hot pink twirl by me, the voice in my head shushed & I got happy. Too happy to be happy about it. Maybe the voice was right, she's slowly controlling my every emotion & twisting me around her sly pinky finger...

"Hey Sky," she said, flicking her dirty hair over her shoulder & leaning towards me enough to make my breath catch. She was stunning to me , so I managed to develop a crush on her; something rare thing for me to do. 

Where are my non-biased walls when I need them?!

"So," she continued, biting her lip & twirling a piece of hair in her fingers, "I was wondering if you wanna hang out this weekend. I've got an extra ticket to Spring Fever Tour, & you could probably sleep over," she finished, smirking. Now I wish I had seen the hint of sly maliciousness in it. 

"I, uh, SURE." There was no way in hell I was planning on giving up free concert tickets, nor a free night with my crush. 

"You'll have to sleep in my bed though, is that okay?" she asked in a quite yet seductive voice, fluttering her eyelashes softly.

"Uh, yeah, I'd be fine with that I guess," I awkwardly replied. HOW WAS I GOING TO MANAGE THIS OH MY GOD. 

"Class, good morning," said our snobbish teacher, & another day of hell soon began.

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