Chapter 1 - My Old Life

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It was a dark, rainy day as my whole family inched down a busy highway, I was staring out of my window, listening to all of the honks of horns and watching drivers flail their arms in anger as they slowly drove up the rode, we had been driving for around 4 hours and by the time we had reached an exit off of the highway, we had been driving for 6 hours. As we neared our destination, my sister seemed to come back to life and return to her excitable self, jumping up and down in her seat, awaiting our arrival. We approached an underpass and I heard a loud rattling sound, I stuck my head out of the window and felt the cold air lash against my face and my hair quickly turn into more of a mess than usual, I looked up and saw a huge, black truck, carrying logs. I quickly swept my eyes over it as it rattled over the bridge and saw a large strap trailing behind it in the air, before I knew what was happening, the logs started to move out of their places and start to roll... Toward us! I yelled at my Dad to stop, but it was to late, the logs came crashing down on our car, the screech of twisting metal and the screams of my family ringing in my ears...

... I woke up to a bright light being shined in my eyes and the frantic shouts of people in bright orange suits. I began to sit up but a sharp pain in the side of my head stopped me, I slowly lay back down, aware of how weak I seemed to be. I raised my hand to my face only to see that it was covered in dried blood and still had pieces of glass poking out of it, my arm had a deep gash in its side and had a piece of twisted metal lodge in it, as my eyes started to regain focus, I tilted my head up enough so I would be able to see my whole body, my clothes were torn and covered in dried blood, one of my legs was bent in a way that I didn't believe was possible and my other had a large piece of wood jutting out my thigh, but the most horrific injury I had gotten was at my knee, what I had originally thought was wood, was my bone that had broken and it had penetrated my flesh and skin and had ended up jutting out of my leg, just above my knee.

Then, I remembered...

Hi guys, Cryostar here, sorry this wasn't the best chapter but I had writers block and I haven't updated in ages!!! Anyway I hope you liked it and remember to leave a vote and a comment! (=^_^=)

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