Chapter Two - Memories

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"Stop!" I screamed as the huge logs came plummeting down on the seemingly wafer thin roof of our family car... I remembered the screams of my family, the looks of terror on their faces as they realised what was happening and most of all. I had realised what my Mum had been mouthing when she had turned around in her seat, tears streaming down her face "I love you, goodbye." And with that thought repeating itself in my head, I felt the tears I had been holding in well in my eyes and as I felt the sobs rack my body, causing sharp pains to radiate thorough my torso, I was wondering if any of my family was still alive...

~Four Weeks Later~

... I lay in my hospital bed, staring into space as the sounds of patients coughing and the steady murmur of televisions wash over me. The memories of the last two weeks playing over and over again in my head, the freak crash, the lone survivor (me), the search for my closest relative for me to live with. So far, the closest relative they could find was a "long lost" Aunt, currently living in Norway, and if no one else was found in the next week, I would be boarding a plane with the few belongings that were salvageable from the wreck that was once my Dad's beloved Volks Wagon. Even then as I kept trying to process these events in my mind, I kept expecting my parents and little sister to burst into the room, laden with balloons, flowers and oversized stuffed toys, wishing me a speedy recovery and telling me tales of when I was a kid all through the night...

After five weeks of lying in bed, with nothing to do and no signs of my parents, I passed the little buzzer on my bed and waited for a nurse to come in, after around two minutes, a nurse with long auburn hair and big blue eyes came in wearing a big but possibly fake smile. She checked the documents hanging off my bed and asked "What would you like... Nora?"

"Has there been any news about when I will be leaving?" I asked.

"So far we haven't found anyone else, you have one day till you move to Norway... Haha! That rhymed..."

As the nurse walked out of the room, chuckling to herself, I propped another pillow up on top of my original one and decided to watch my favourite show, Doctor Who*...

Hi, Cryostar here, another chapter, another week! I hope you don't mind the new schedule (it's on the "About" section of my profile), hopefully this chapter is long enough to satisfy you guys XD. Well anyway I hope you enjoyed and please remember to leave a vote and a comment as it really helps out my book! Also I was wondering if you guys would mind me setting a vote goal for me to upload the next chapter? Maybe for the next chapter 5 votes and 5 comments? If you don't like this, please leave a comment and I'll stop... (=^_^=)

*I do not own the rights to Doctor Who or the trademark, these all belong to the BBC.

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