He's cheating on you with your sister

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Your POV:
It's almost been four years since the day Ethan asked me out. He's just the sweetest thing. I'm so glad I have him in my life. Today is our anniversary so I should go out and buy something for him. Maybe a watch would be nice, or a cool SnapBack. After I give him his gift, we're going to go out to eat. I picked the perfect place. Chipotle, well it's not very romantic, but I've been dying to try their food. So why not right? I'll text Ethan and tell him he doesn't have to dress all fancy.
Ethan's POV:
Bethany: Ethan, I love you.
Ethan: I love you too.

Your POV:
What's all that noise upstairs? Probably just Bethany and another guy once again. I need to call Grayson and ask where Ethan is cause he's not and answering his phone.
Me: hey Grayson, have you seen Ethan?
Grayson: um,um, no I hav- haven't.
Me:why are you stuttering?
Grayson: i can't tell you where Ethan is?
Me: aww come on. It's our anniversary. I'm looking for him. Can you please tell me?
Grayson: I'm, I'm sorry Yn. Ethan is with your sister.
Me: what's wrong with him being with my sister?They're just good friends. where are they?
Grayson: They should be at your house
Me: yea, Bethany is here, but not Eth- I have to go Grayson! Bye!

I run upstairs as fast as I can, I walk in and see my sister and Ethan together. She's sitting on top of him. They both look up and see me with tears coming down my face. Ethan throws Bethany off of him and tries to put on something to cover him up. Before he can get out of the bed, I slam the door and run out of the house.
Ethan's cheating on me with my sister? They've been dating behind my back?! We've been together for four years! How is he just going to throw me away like that?! Screw him. My heart hurts so much. I'm so stupid! I knew us dating for so long was wrong, but I thought we had chance! I bragged to my friends about our relationship. I hate you Ethan.

Ethan: Yn, wait a minute! Wait!
Me: wait for what Ethan? For you to go and have another round with my sister?! We're over!
Ethan: I didn't mean to, I'm sorry. Give me another chance?
Me: sorry doesn't count honey. Give you another chance? You were upstairs screwing my sister you douche! You messed up big time. Go on and get out of my sight.
Ethan: I'm sorry Yn. I really am.
Me: you weren't sorry enough, you didn't think of me when you were screwing around with my sister. You didn't think of how I would feel. Just how you would. We're through.

🌹Thanks for reading guys!🌹

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