What Really Sucks

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"And he asked me out Mila! Oh my god he asked me out!" Claudia shouted even though she was seated right next to me.  I rubbed my ears to stop them from ringing.

"I know god stop screaming." I yelled back, laughing.

"Wait, how did you know?" She questioned.

"I kinda pushed him to do it.  He said he didn't know if you liked him back and I told him you did.  Then, I pushed him out the door." I said smoothly, with a cocky smirk on my face.

"Oh my god, Mila.  Thank you so much!" She shouted, trying to hug me even though she was still trying to drive.

"But seriously we should go on a double date! You could ask Calum and-" Claudia cut off before she could say anymore because she remembered then.  I felt tears welling up again and I turned towards the window.

"Miles, I'm so sorry. I forgot and-"

"Forget it, it's fine.  We were together for so long it's okay to forget." I snapped, sniffling.

The ride home was again, hauntingly quiet.  I wasn't mad at her, I was mad at him.  Why was he always lurking in the back of my mind?

That question clouded my mind until I fell asleep that night.  I decided then to keep going, and forget about him, because he hurt me.  He crushed me, so I'm going to get up again and push forward.  It would be much easier if I didn't see him at all that summer, so I planned to avoid him at all costs.  


The next few days were pretty relaxing.  Alex and the rest of the family were out of town for a soccer match and so I decided to stay home.  Claudia visited almost everyday, apologizing profusely about the other night even though I assured her it was fine.  

I was watching TV when I got a text from Claudia.

"They need us working at the concessions today.  Please hurry!"

I groaned and rolled off the couch.  I started to clean the mess of pizza boxes and glasses before I went upstairs and changed.  I got into my car, and began my excursion to the lame excuse of a job.

It was chilly when I stepped out into the June air.  Grateful for the sweater in my backseat, I reached back and put it on.  I jumped when I saw Michael tapping on my window with an amused smile on his face.  I cursed under my breath, trying not to give him the benefit of my laughing.

I stepped out of the car and was immediately embraced by the black-haired boy.

"I missed you soo much Mila!" Michael whined.

"Dude, 1. I just met you. 2. It's been two days since the party." I chuckled.

"I don't care.  You're my best friend." He said, still embracing my body.

"Get off!" I laughed pushing him off of me.  He pouted, sticking out his lower lip.  

We walked together and he explained why he was at the soccer field, saying that his little cousin played.  

We arrived at the concession stand, where we saw a giggly Claudia with a giggly Ashton.  They were hugging and he kissed her lightly on the cheek.  They've been on one date, yet Claudia claims she's in love.

"Ew" Michael said bluntly.  I agreed with him on that statement.

"Hey! Lovebirds! Get back to work Claudia!" I shouted at them.  They looked up at us and proceeded to blush wildly.  Ashton gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before walking to Michael and I.

"Sorry, and hi Mila." He chuckled.


We were working for about two hours and we were exhausted.  I had my face in my hands, slowly falling asleep waiting for more customers.  I was half asleep when I heard someone clear their throat.

"Oh sorry" I chuckled. "What can I get you?"

"I want a Red Bull please." The tall blonde with blue eyes said sharply. Frowning, I turned and walked to grab the beverage.  I gave his total and he payed in full.  I looked up at him as I was handing over his change.  He smiled and walked away.  

Let me say one thing: he was fucking hot.  Like, Greek God hot.

I couldn't help but think about this mystery boy all night.


Hey guys! Pleassseeeeeee


Instagram: rhiannonstyles223344

Twitter: rhiannon_horton


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