Chapter 4: The Prophecy

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Chapter 4: The Prophecy

“You’re ready early,” Aunt Zelda said, coming into the kitchen where Kaelyn sat at the table with a large bowl of Cocoa Puffs.

“I’ve got to get to school to do something,” she said, through a mouthful of cereal.

“Not anything illegal, I hope.”

“Well—I was planning on spray painting a pig on Tiffany’s locker if that’s okay.”

“Fine by me—but please use environmentally safe paint. I’d hate to think of our world getting closer to its end because of that girl. Oh, and while you are doing that, can you run by vice-principle Larkin’s office and tell him that I’ve just had a premonition that one of his students will be in detention for the next month.”

“Will do.” Kaelyn smiled.

“You seem like you slept pretty good last night.”

“I did. Had a good dream. How about you?”

“I haven’t slept yet. I got hooked on watching the Ghosts and Psychics marathon—it just got over. It was s-o-o creepy, I almost woke you up to watch it with me, but then I thought that wouldn’t be very responsible of me.”

“Maybe next time.”

“If it’s a weekend for sure. Oh, I forgot to tell you, my friend Tanis is coming over today for a reading, and she’s bringing her cousin, Lena. You’re about the same age. I thought you might hit it off. I think she goes to school on the reservation, so she’s not going to be part of that Barbie club.”

“Sounds cool, Zelly.”

Kaelyn emptied her bowl and tossed it into the sink. She had to talk to Parker before their first class started, or she wouldn’t get another chance until lunch period. She grabbed her coat and backpack and went to give her aunt Zelda a hug. She stopped short. Zelda’s face was twitching and her eyes rolled up into her head. Kaelyn was just about to ask if she was okay when a guttural, unnatural voice escaped her aunt’s lips. “Seek the web from the unknown friend. It will be the key to the shifter’s end.”

Kaelyn stood staring at her aunt. The words sent chills up and down her back. Without warning, Zelda pulled Kaelyn into a hug, then stepped back and looked behind her.

“What is it? Did you see something?” she asked, looking around the kitchen.


“You look like you’ve just seen a ghost.”

“I didn’t see anything,” Kaelyn lied. She’d heard plenty, and was sure it was an actual prophecy given by an actual psychic. “I have to go, Zelly.”

“And I have got to go to bed. I’m tripping out. No more watching reality ghost shows for me.”

Kaelyn shook her head and smiled. “You know, Zelly, you have got to be the only psychic around that’s afraid of ghosts. I mean, isn’t it your job to contact the dead or something?”

“I am not afraid of ghosts! As long as they don’t bother me in the shower, I can handle them. On one of the episodes this one psychic had them – you know, ghosts – coming into her shower and telling her about how they died and stuff. Very creepy.”

“Have you ever had ghosts bother you in the shower?”

Zelda thought for a moment then bobbed her head. “There was this one time when it felt like someone was watching me in the shower, but I think that was after watching Psycho. Yeah, I don’t think I should watch shows like that anymore.”

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