chapter 7

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a packmate came

packmate-luna a visitor

felix-huh a visitor?

packmate-at the gates

packmate-and shes waiting


my head nod

felix-ok thank you

and they bow

i head there

meeting this visitor


i smell something

it was strawberry

i was nervous

it cant be

its alpha taylor


taylor-hey there felix

taylor-i miss you

felix-why your here?

taylor-come back felix?

taylor-be my mate?


is she serious?

felix-i belong here

felix-with my mate

taylor-im your mate

felix-you rejected me




cant believe this

theres another mate?

whoever they are

i'll kill them

felix mine only




felix-please go taylor?

taylor-not without you

felix-its over taylor

alex-whats going on?

why she here?




i approach felix

and another werewolf

shes an alpha

stood beside felix

alex-babe whos she?


the alpha growl

and i frown

felix-shes alpha taylor

felix-my first mate

huh first mate?


felix-she rejects me

felix-so i runaway

felix-became a rogue

felix-and met you

felix-my second mate


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