chapter 23

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taylors gone too

just like alex

the wars over

some werewolves died

for both packs


felix-taylors gone now

felix-heres your choice

felix-either join us

felix-or stay behind

felix-its your choice


some werewolves join

while other lefted

facing my packs

i spot chris

her mate noel


chris crying hard

over alex death

noel comforts her

hugging her close

it pains me


spot taylors body

and i remember

felix-sydneys still inside

enter the packhouse

into taylors room


sydney was crying

i cried also

covering my mouth

to stop screaming

cant scare sydney


i approach her

and carried her

kissing her tears

felix-its ok sydney

felix-mamas here now


exit the packhouse

facing my packmates

they all bow

chris approach me

along with noel


chris-your alpha now

chris-whats your orders?

my head nod

felix-bring alex body

felix-along with taylor


felix-lets go home

felix-and start anew

felix-i promise alex

felix-i'll protect everyone

felix-and our pack


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