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Hello my name is Heaven. I want to remind you guys you all are living for a reason, so please, don't waste it. Never, ever, commit suicide. I know people do it because they feel nobody likes them. They go by the rule "majority wins." My opinion, I hate that rule. So don't go by it. You all are worth living. You all are here for a reason. So please live it the best you can. Again, never waste your beautiful life. There will be terrible times! We all know that. We feel we're at our lowest but trust me, it will get higher! You're life will get better!! You're life will be wonderful!!!
People will always put you down and kick you when you're at your lowest. Bullying will never stop, but I want to give you advice. You are the bully to yourself. If you start putting yourself up and not down, then no one else can. You have to believe (in) yourself. You have everything you need to succeed. Put it to use. Do your best. I know everything I'm listing is hard, but just because something is hard doesn't mean it's impossible. Please keep going. Please.

Also I'm here whenever you need me💞💖💕💓💗❤💚💜💙💛
Pm me if you need help to stop cutting, worrying, having depressing thoughts, need help through a rough time, or just need a friend.


It's never too late💖

You're talented, beautiful\handsome, amazing, and absolutely worth living!💚

Just because somethings hard doesn't mean it's impossible💜

People will treat you like crap but it's the way you treat yourself that matters💙

Everyone struggles in life, but Stay Strong and Keep Going!💛

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