Embrace Yourself!!

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Everyone thinks I LOVE life

But sometimes I forget why....

Then I remember why:

I love life because life has it's ups and downs. It's like a rollercoaster. It has it's scary parts but also the fun parts. People are afraid of somehow dying in a rollercoaster but you'll always exit off the rollercoaster, alive. What I'm trying to say is, you can make it through.
   Don't decide to end your life because there will be a good ending if you stay on the right path. You might have 193747492010 influences and 99% of them are bad. It doesn't matter. You're strong enough to not be overpowered and pressured. You're also smart, so you can keep on the right path.

I personally think a lot of famous people are just a bad influence. They do all of this crazy stuff to try and fit in, still be relevant. They don't do any of it for themself, like plastic surgery or dying their hair. They teach their fans that it's not okay to be yourself. They show you, in order to matter to people you can't be you anymore. I don't like it. They're teaching a wrong moral. Of course, change comes in time but never change for anybody but yourself. Everybody's not created the same. You're unique. If somebody asks or demands you change, you demand that they shut their mouth, then you proceed to block them out of your life because they're toxic.

Anyways, my main point:

You are BEAUTIFUL . You are PERFECT. You are AWESOME. If you think your weird, then EMBRACE it.

I know I'm weird, annoying, crazy sometimes, sassy, sweet, I know I have my bad moments but I EMBRACE everything about me because I know its WHO I AM and I would never want to be anyone else. You should so the same. It's the key to happiness😁

I get called fat, stupid, crazy (in a bad way) idoit, ugly, obese. I may be a little fat but I know I'm smart and crazy and pretty and I like it this way because im me.

Sometimes I do let people get in my head and I worry so much. I overthink a lot of times every single, but I shouldn't. Because I know I'm WONDERFUL and AWESOME ect.

You can never fight back unless you know you that you are PRETTY (handsome), AMAZING, TALENTED, BRAVER and STRONGER than you think you are.

EMBRACE you I'm begging you. Don't let people get inside you head.

Your you. Dont change.

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