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OH MY GOD! So today I was at lunch and I tried to throw a bottle at my friends head but it ended up bouncing off of my other friend head. So I got up on this little ledge thing and started running from her. When I tried to jump off the end of the ledge and onto the ground to keep running, I fell on my hands and knees and the concrete tore my jeans and scraped up my knee. It didn't hurt at first but it looked way worse than the picture. That was after the nurse had cleaned it up. Anyway! After that, in 8th period, which was english, I got a bloody nose while the teacher was reading a story. AND THE ENTIRE DAY I WAS HAVING HORRIBLE FREAKING CRAMPS! Also when I got home, my cousin pulled my hair and my papa gave me a bruise. So yeah! I was the person life was picking on for today. Luckily I was raised by a Marine so I can handle pain pretty well.

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