You Pervs

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I noticed a few more people than usual voted on the lemon. You major pervs -x- xD
I'm work in on the requested one shots that aren't lemons, while I work on the second lemon. If you want more lemons, go to the DDW page and request them on the animexreader.

For now, I'm gonna go play summoners war a fairy legends..... Anyone else play fairy legends? You should, its fun AF xp if you play on server 12, I'm normally on. Name is same as on here. Tsundereneko88. I would tell you my summoners war name, but its my 6 year old brothers account who name it... Something like hfgggbt or something. IIIII dunno. Anyways, RPG and TWD, even though I'll be on WP every like 5 minutes.

See you on the flip side, buh-bye~!

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