Chapter Two

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Chris stared at Ashley, shock covering his face. Ashley coughed nervously and said "Hi Chris..."

Shaking his head, Chris gave a quick "Hey Ashley!" while inviting her into the house, leading her to the living room. Mike sat up in surprise, staring at Ashley. He looked at Chris, the question 'Why is she here?' clear in his eyes. Chris shrugged, giving Mike his best 'I have no clue' look. Ashley waved a quick greeting towards Mike, then sat down on the couch. Twitching her hand nervously, she asked "So how have you guys been lately? No ones really heard anything from you."

Sharing a guilty look with Mike, Chris knew they both felt guilty for loosing contact with everyone, even if it's just been 3 weeks. Both males sighed and Ashley picked up on it. Frowning, she leaned forward and asked "What? What happened?"

Once again Mike and Chris shared a look. 'Should we tell her?' Chris asked with his eyes. Mike thought about it, then nodded sharply. Chris turned towards Ashley and said "Ash.....this is gonna be hard to hear..."

Chris's eyes turned towards where Josh was sleeping and a bolt of sadness ran through him. Standing up suddenly, startling both Ashley and Mike, he gritted out "I'm gonna go check on Josh."

Making his way down the hall stiffly, Chris flinched slightly as he heard Ashley ask "Josh is here? How is he? No one's heard from him either....not once this past year."

Chris hurried down the rest of the hallway, not wanting to hear Mike's response. Stopping once he was in front of Josh's door, Chris took a deep breath and entered. The sight of Josh, sleeping soundly in his bed, made Chris's muscles relax and he was surprised at how tense he had gotten. Making his way towards the chair they kept in Josh's room in case Josh needed them to stay, and sat down heavily and sighed, lost in his thoughts.

"You okay there, Cochise?"

Chris jolted at the sudden voice, his head whipping around to see Josh awake and sitting up halfway in bed. Coughing awkwardly, Chris asked "You ok man?"

Josh gave him a slight grin that made him grin in return. Josh opened his mouth to speak, only to be cut off by Mike screaming "CHRIS!!".

Rolling his eyes, Chris looked at Josh apologetically and said "Hey, let me go talk to him real quick otherwise-"


"-he won't SHUT THE HELL UP!" Chris screamed back at Mike, then looked back at Josh. Josh just rolled his eyes and got out of his bed, ignoring Chris's protests.

Waving his hand in a shoo shoo motion, Josh grinned and said "I'm fine dude, just gotta piss. Go see what he wants-"


"-before he breaks our eardrums!"

Chris looked at Josh, who was leaving the room, once more before nodding. Following Josh out the door, watching as his friend entered the bathroom, Chris sighed then headed towards where Mike and Ashley where sitting.

Glaring at Mike, Chris hissed "What?!"

Staring at Mike, a sudden movement in the corner of his vision caused him to get his first good look of Ashley since he exited Josh's room. She, to put it bluntly, looked like shit. Her eyes where wide and red, obviously she had been crying....Mike must of told her...Chris thought to himself, noticing the pale, almost paper-white color of her skin. A sudden bolt of concern ran through Chris and he asked "You ok Ash?"

"Yea...yea I'm ok." Ashley mutter, her voice shaking slightly. Giving her another concerned look, Chris turned to Mike and said "What in the hell were you calling me for?"

Mind Games [until dawn fanfic]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt