Chapter Three

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Mike grinned at Chris as they exited the car, heading towards the trunk to grab the bags of food they had just got back from buying.

Mike's grin slowly slid of his face at Chris's worried look, and the way Chris kept looking at the house then back towards the trunk, only to look back at the house 2 seconds later. Mike sighed then said "If I go check on them will you calm down?"

Chris looked embarrassed before nodding slightly. Mike chuckled then made his way to the front door, arms loaded with bags of food. A sudden cry, however, caused him to drop the good and rush into the house, kicking the door open. The sight that he was met with left him speechless.

Josh was standing in the kitchen, his legs trembling, trying to comfort a crying Ashley. That's not what caught his attention though.

What caught his attention was the GIANT FUCKING PAIR OF SCISSORS that was sticking out of Josh's shoulder. What caught his attention was all the blood running down Josh's shoulder, going all the way down his arm and covering his finger tips.


Both Ashley and Josh flinched, their heads whipping up to stare at Mike in shock. Josh whimpered, causing Mike to be by his side in a flash. Ashley backed away slowly at the death glare she was getting from Mike and whispered "I-It was an accident..."

"You did this?" Mike asked, his voice soft but cold as a fury like no other swept through him. Never had Mike felt such anger, yet alone this much of it, towards anyone, especially a girl, in his life. Without stopping to think, Mike lashed out at Ashley, his fist swinging in a deadly arc towards her. Mike barely registered Chris entering the room running, then gasping, before the sound of flesh hitting flesh entered everyone's ears and Mike felt his eyes widen in shock.

Just before the blow hit Ashley, Josh darted in front of her, taking the blow fully while shielding her. His head make a horrible snapping sound as it twisted to the side, causing everyone in the room to flinch.

Mike's hands shook as he lowered his raised one and choked out "Josh..."

"Wasn't....her....fault..." Josh rasped, wiping blood from his nose off his face. The movement caused him to groan in pain, dragging everyone gaze from his face, back towards his shoulder where he was now gripping the scissors. Mike heard Chris gasp and whisper "what the FUCK?!"

Josh's grip tightened and both Mike and Chris rushed forward, calling out in unison "Josh! Don't pull it..."

Josh pulled harshly, yanking the scissors out of his shoulder with a gross-sounding pop, the noise echoing though the room. Blood slowly poured out of the wound, then sped up to where the blood was like a small river, pour blood quickly out if Josh's shoulder and staining his blue shirt. Chris cursed before darting towards Josh, and pulling him down the hall towards the first-aid kit in the bathroom, his eyes telling Mike to get his ass in gear and find out what the FUCK happened, the words clear behind his black glasses framed eyes.

Mike sighed and turned back to Ashley, who flinched then moved a step back from Mike. He sighed again and said "Ashley....look I'm sorry. I didn't mean to swing at you...I just lost my temper...can you tell me why happened?"

Ashley watched him wearying and explained.

"I was washing some dishes, you know, to try and keep busy while Josh was doing...whatever. I was washing the last dish when I found the pair of scissors in the soapy water and started drying them off, that way they wouldn't rust. So I had just finished drying them off when Josh suddenly grabs me out of no where! He starts mumbling and he had scared me so bad I....stabbed him with the scissors!"

Ashley finished her story with a heaving sob and Mike felt an unwanted wave of pity fly through him and awkwardly patted her on her shoulder. Mike sighed and said "OK....ok..."

Mike ran his finger through his hair and muttered a quick "shit!" when he heard Chris yelling desperately down the hall. Glancing at Ashley, he muttered "Hold on, let me see what's happening."

Mike got up and, ignoring how Ashley followed him, walked down the hall to where Chris was staring at the door while yelling desperately.

"JOSH, BRO, I NEED YOU TO LET ME IN!" Chris yelled, jiggling the door knob, trying to get in the room Josh had locked himself into.

"What the hell happened?!" Mike hissed, and Chris turned and glared at him. Chris sighed then said "I don't know! He was calm enough to be lead to the bathroom before he got worse, he started muttering worse and crying, before he ran and locked himself in!"

Mike groaned then kneeled down and examined the lock, the gave a sigh of relief. Chris and Ashley stared at him questionably, so he explained "This is a really easy lock to pick. Gimme three seconds and I'll have this door open."

Chris shrugged at Ashley and they both stepped back to let Mike do his magic. Sure enough, barely four seconds layer, the door was slowly swinging open and Mike jumped up, looking triumphant.

Walking slowly into the room, Mike called out softly "Josh?"

Mike heard a harsh sobbing then winced, following the noise. Quickly turning the corner, Mike let out a gasp and rushed forward. Josh was curled into a ball, his voice rough with fear and sobbing. Josh's arms were tore up, since he was scratching at his arms with a frenzied sort of desperation. Josh's sobbing made it impossible to understand what he was saying and Mikes heart broke for him.

"Josh!" He cried, rushing forward to stop his friend from hurting himself further. Josh, once hearing Mikes voice, flinched and cried out "P-P-Please d-d-don't h-h-h-hit m-m-m-me!!"

Mike felt his heart leap into his throat and he pulled Josh into a sideways hug, sitting beside him on the wall and whispered "Never again...I'm so sorry Josh."

Josh glanced at him, eyes filled with a sort of wary recognition and whispered tiredly "Mike?" as his bloodied fingernails and fingers slowly dropped off his arms. Mike nodded and Josh gave a sob, curling into Mikes side.

"I got you Josh....I got you." Mike whispered comfortingly, pulling Josh closer as his friend sobbed.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2015 ⏰

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