an incident?

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Chapter 12: An Incident?

(NOTE: I'm sorry about technical problems that happen later in the story's font. My comp just doesn't like quizilla or could be the other way around, anyway I'm sorry if youe get halfway through the story and find EVERYTHING underlined! =/ )

Sasuke’s POV

I rush slightly worried down the stairs to find the rest of my team already awake along with Tazuna sitting at the table with them. And Tsunami was just fixing breakfast. The kid was probably still in his room upstairs. Everyone was almost accounted for, except Kana was nowhere in sight. Sakura immediately noticed me at the bottom of the stairs. I wipe off the worried expression I had just seconds ago and twist it into a face if indifference. Sakura was setting the table and while doing so she looked at me in her usual annoying tone; “Sakura: Good morning Sasuke-kun! Did you sleep well?” I “hnned” while walking to the table to take my seat sitting at the end across from the Loser named Naruto.

“Sakura: Hey Sasuke-kun, what is it that you’re holding in you hand? Is it a letter?” I look at my right hand as it was on top of the letter that I placed on the table just a few moments ago. Kakashi turns to me with no expression. He stares between me and the letter before stating in an aloof tone as usual; “Kakashi: Looks like Kana left you a letter this morning.” Tsunami was busy cooking our breakfast while Tazuna and the rest of team seven had an eyebrow raised. “Naruto: Speaking of Kana-chan, where is she you Teme (Ba****d)?! You didn’t make her run away again did you?!” Naruto scowled at me while Sakura pondered what he just said looking up at the ceiling before sitting at the end of the table. “Sakura: Yeah, now that I think about it, I haven’t seen Kana-chan for the entire morning. The last time I saw her was last night. Kakashi-sensei, should we go and look for her? I’m getting worried.”

Kakashi shook his head as he was sitting to my left across from Tazuna while Sakura was to my right. “Kakashi: Sasuke, can I see the letter?” I handed him the letter but stated in my usual tone; “Sasuke: When I read it I found that it was written in some code. I couldn’t decipher it and found that it had many loops.” Kakashi opened the envelope and took out the letter. He read it for about 10 mins. before setting it down. “Kakashi: Don’t worry, she’ll be back soon. She just wrote and I quote: “Kana: Dear Sasuke, I’m sorry that you found this letter instead of me on the futon this morning; that is if you were surprised by my sudden disappearance. Well anyway I wrote this to tell you that I woke up early for my usual training. I’ll try to be back when breakfast is about to be served. Also I’m still sorry about last night for slapping you. Still feeling a bit guilty I guess. Could you do me a favor and tell Naruto I’m sorry for knocking him out as well with my rudeness with Sakura. Please give everyone my regards, Kana.” And that’s all Kana wrote on the letter.”

Everyone’s eyebrows were still raised. “Sakura: But sensei, how are you able to read that? When we were back in the academy we had to practice in deciphering messages. Can I see the letter?” The letter was handed to Sakura. Her determined face quickly vanished as her expression just dropped. “Sakura: WHAT DID KANA-CHAN WRITE?!” “Kakashi: The only reason you can’t decipher that is because it is NOT a code. The letter is written in another language from Kana’s “village”.” Naruto shouted curiously; “Naruto: THEN HOW ARE YOU ABLE TO READ IT SENSEI!?” Kakashi paused for a while before starting again. “Kakashi: Well to tell you the truth, after the 1st week of Kana’s stay I decided to look at what she was working on and writing down on paper.” ‘Sakura: How does Kana-chan live with such a snoopy person? He even goes into her room!’ “Kakashi: Although of course it was when she wasn’t home. Anyway, while looking around I found a stack of papers. So I decided to take a glance at them.” ‘Naruto: Wow! I knew Kakashi-sensei was perverted but not THAT perverted! O_O’

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