Chapter 1

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"Oww..." sonic moaned as his robotisized father continued to hit him until he cried. "When I say be home by 3.. I MEAN BE HOME BY 3!!!" His father screeched in his ear.
You see sonics life wasn't always this bad. His father and mother were actually happy together. But when robotnik came for his family.. it changed everything.
His brother and sister had ran off and hadn't been seen since. His mother was crying and meant to grab her husband but just grabbed sonic and teleported away.
So sonics father, Jules, ended up getting robotisized. When sonic was 8 his mother and him ended up going back. Only to find a robotisized Jules. He was told by robotnik to hurt them but capture Q.A.
Instead of him capturing her it got way out of hand and ended up killing her. In front of sonic. "No, stop! Think about our dear little sonic!" Aleena said. Jules didn't listen. Instead he grabbed the knife and stabbed her to death. "MAAAAAAAA!" Sonic shouted as he watched his mother die in front of him.
In Jules now different and robotisized voice he looked sonic right in the eye and said "it's just you.. and.. me" Sonic then teared up, dashed upstairs and to his room. He locked the door and his father came stomping up. He tried to get to sonics room. Sonic was panicking. Afraid of what his father might so next.
Sonic was sweating intesley while trying to open the window to jump. Also using his speed he was baricating the door and opening the window every little time he could. But luck was not on his side.
His dad was a robot or whatever robotnik called it. He finally got the window and frame open. But since his father was robotisized he has a laser for fises left arm. He blasted the door. Sonic was close to running out but sonics father grabbed him by his quills while sonic was he was flailing his arms and legs...
Jules still had his memory but now had to obey robotnik. Instead of beating him him moved his finger up and down sonics tummy. He laughed and tried to hit his father. But instead the torture continued.
Sonic was crying hearing his father's screeches replaying in his mind. 'What did I do to have a life like this?'
Hi guys. I'm Iluvsonic223 and I want to know what you think of the first chapter! This may or may not be a short story or like my friends story Sonadow- No Frozen Heart

-My love is you- (SonAdow)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang