Chapter 1: I'm not from here

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This story takes place during the years 2003/2004. Please comment! :)

I shut the door and rushed out into the New York night. I was waving my hand for a cab but no one seemed to notice me. A well dressed man with an umbrella appeared in front of me.

”We can share, if you don't mind?” he asked

”Thanks, it was harder than I thought getting a cab tonight” I replied.

We got in the car and introduced ourselves. ”Michelle Smith. I'm not really from here, maybe that's why I didn't get a cab to notice me.” I told him and smiled.

”Brandon Flowers.” he chuckled. ”I'm not from here either, I live in Las Vegas. Oh, and where are you heading?”

”To Jack's Bar, it's not that far away from here.” I responded while for the first time taking a good look at the stranger I now was sharing a cab with.

He was dressed in suit trousers and a light pink shirt with a silver tie to go with it. He had dark hair and brown drop dead gorgeous eyes. He sure thing was easy to look at. He caught me staring at his face. My face went tomato red as I pretended to look out the window.

”Jack's? Well I'm also going there!” he smiled, revealing his perfect white teeth. ”What's your occasion, if may ask?”

”Oh! Well, my friend convinced me to go with her to see a band she likes. She has a this crazy thing for the guitarist, so she follows them around pretty much everywhere they play.” Brandon laughed a bit too much while I was telling him about Anna and her obsession. A strand of hair had made its way to my face so I placed it behind my ear.”What's your occasion, if I may ask?” I quoted him. Oh dear God, he was probably the hottest guy I've ever met! I could barely keep my eyes off him!

With a smile on his face he told me he was also going to the show. ”I'm a big fan of the lyrics” he said. ”If you want, I can let you meet the band afterwards, I kinda know them” he fired off a perfect smile that gave me butterflies in my stomach.

”Let me see if they are any good first, after all this is my first time hearing them.” I answered. He was being very friendly to me and I'd like to get friendlier with him.

The car stopped and we had arrived at Jack's Bar. There was a line of people, including my friend Anna, outside the door waiting to be let in by the big security guy.

”Well, Michelle, here we are.” he started to unbuckle his seatbelt. It felt kinda sad to part with him, but the thought of us meeting inside kept the sad feelings away.

”Are you prepared for the show of your lifetime?” he asked with a big grin on his face as he was drumming on his knees. He surely seemed to love this band!

”Haha, I think I am!”

”Let's go then!” He said whilst paying the cab driver.

We both got out of the car. I didn't know if I should shake his hand, give him a hug or just say goodbye. Fortunately, he made the decision of giving me a small hug. He was warm and smelled like cologne and sweat at the same time, one of the best scents I've smelled.

”See you inside then!” he said while walking towards the back entrance of the bar.

”See you inside then” I mumbled with a huge smile on my face as I walked towards the line and Anna.

This is the first part of my first try of writing a fanfic, feel free to leave criticism, tips and tell me what you want to happen next! :)

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