Chapter 4: I'd like that

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I was standing next to Brandon outside Jack's bar, waiting for Anna to join me.

”You're a really nice girl, do you know that?” Brandon said and looked into my eyes. I couldn't maintane the eyecontact for so long, so I looked down on my shoes.

”Haha, thanks. You're not too bad yourself, mr. Nevada.” I smiled at him.

He chuckled and took a step towards me.

”Do you think we'll see eachother again? 'Cause I'd like that” He said shyly.

”I'd like that too.” I said and looked up at him. He caught my eye and took another step towards me and now he was really close.

He lifted his hand up and placed it against my cheek. He took another tiny step closer. We practically couldn't get any closer now. My heartbeat was rising and my cheeks were turning red.

He moved his head closer and tilted his head. He gave me a small but perfect kiss on the lips. My knees were like spaghetti by now. He pulled his head away but I wanted more! He fired off the most beautiful smile when we were parted. What just happened? Did we just kiss? Before I knew it, my instincts had taken over and I had put my arms around his neck and was kissing him once again. He answered the kiss passionately. Things were heating up and I never wanted to stop, but the sober part of me thought now would be a good time to pull away, so I did.

”Wow” he said, stunned. ”and I thought you were shy!” he smiled the biggest and most perfect smile ever.

I laughed, ”Well, you've only known me for a couple of hours!”

”True, but they'll turn into more hours some day?” He asked

”Absolutely” I replied.

Anna appeared in front of me.

”Ready to go?” She asked.

I nodded, ”Yep! Bye Brandon, see you!”

He smiled to me ”Bye! You got the note right?” he asked nervously.

I waved the note with his number on in the air as we walked away ”Yes!”

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2013 ⏰

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