Chapter 2: Brought to you by fabulous...

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 ”Who the hell was that?!” Anna asked as I joined her in the ine.

”Just some guy I shared a cab with, he's kinda cute actually.” I looked away modestly.

”You shared a cab with a complete STRANGER?”

”Well yeah, I couldn't get a cab and he had one, stop judging me!”

”Whatever. Look! They're letting us in now!” Anna said while jumping of excitement.

Jack's Bar was a shady indie bar in downtown New York. The walls were painted dark and there was a small stage, big enough for a stand-up comedian to perform. A couple of minutes passed by and the bar was crammed with people, people of all shapes and sizes all wearing The Killers-tshirts.

”Come on, we're going to the front!” Anna said and grabbed my arm.

”You really like this guy, huh?”

”Well I don't know if I like him, but I think he's hott as hell and that he should come home with me tonight!” we both laughed. She had always been very outgoing and crazy and I loved her for that.

A short man with huge glasses stepped on stage. He tapped on a microphone: ”Is this thing on?” it wasn't. He pushed a button on the microphone and a squeeling sound pierced our ears.

”Ah, now!”. He pulled out a note and began reading from it.

”Brought to you all the way from  fabulous Las Vegas, Nevada. I give you, THE KILLERS!” he walked off stage and we all started applauding. The muscular drummer walked onto stage, followed by the very tall angelic bassist. Right after the bassist, the guitarist walked on stage.

”That's him! Holy cow, I wanna have his babies!” I put my hand over Annas screaming mouth. ”Calm down, Anna! You might scare him away!” I said even though the guitarrist didn't look like a guy who was easily scared of screaming fangirls. ”Good thinking.” she said, mesmerised by the guy.

Then the singer walked onstage. All the girls in the bar wolf whistled and applauded.

”Oh fuck!” I gasped

”Yeah, he's pretty hot” Anna said.

”No! Well, yeah of corse he is! But he's the guy I shared the cab with!”

”Brandon Flowers?!” she screamed once again.

The intro to Mr. Brightside started off the show.

”Coming out of my cage, and I've been doing just fine, gotta gotta be down because I want it all” Brandon screamed into the microphone. Christ, he was hot up there!

”You shared a cab with Brandon Flowers?!”

”I shared a fucking cab with Brandon Flowers!” I smiled proudly and we both started dancing to the songs.

Brandon had changed his outfit since I last saw him in the cab. He was now wearing a black shirt with the sleeves rolled up, a maroon tie and brown manchester pants. I had caught him looking over at me a couple of times and I bet he caught me staring at him atleast a hundred times, but I couldn't help it! He looked so good and sang like a god!

The show went by faster then expected. The Killers played six songs and they were incredible.

The crowd started to leave the bar but Anna and I stayed. We sat by the counter, waiting for the band to come back out.

”Oh my god, what if they join us!” Anna was so nervous, and I so was I.

A door opened and there they were. The Killers. The band that thirty minutes ago had been on stage, holding our fangirl hearts in their hands. Anna and I both stood up and approached them.

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