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In a dark room, a white-haired girl lay on her stomach, giggling sickly. Her face was lit by a flickering computer screen, and as she pressed a button, loud music began to play, echoing aroundt he room.

She looked up in shock as another girl entered, then relaxed, smiling in relief. "Oh~ it's just you!"

The newcomer sighed, her eyes filled with a mix of happiness and hurt. "Yeah. Sorry... I didn't mean to surprise you."

The first girl grinned, showing her slightly pointed teeth, and stood up, closing the computer. Crossing the room, she gave the other girl a quick hug, her head not even reaching her shoulders, and grabbed her hand, pulling her out of the room. "C'mon, c'mon, I have to go see the monsters, and they'll be happy if I don't go alone, let's go!"

With a horrified look, the taller one allowed herself to be led out of the room. 'Shit.'

Mmmmm, well, this is the prologue. Warning: This story is probably gonna get pretty dark, soooooo. But yep! Thanks for reading, loves!


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