Chapter 1

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Sunlight streamed into a white-washed room, waking up the smaller of the two girls in the bed. She moaned as the sun hit her sensitive eyes, and burrowed back under the blanket and tugging the other girl's blond hair, rousing her from her slumber. "Zukie..... go close the curtains?"

The blonde sighed. "Eveee! Can't you do it yourself? Besides, isn't it time to wake up? It's already----" Pausing to look at the clock next to the bed, she finished her sentence. "-----11:00... so get up!" She pushed the small, childish looking girl out of the bed, standing up behind her and pulling her to her feet. "C'mon, time to face the day!"

Eve shivered dramatically. "But it's cold! I'm gonna freeze to death, gimme the blanket!" The taller teen didn't move, and Eve's eyes narrowed into blood-red slits. "Mizuka!"

Mizuka rolled her eyes and stepped closer to Eve, pulling her into a hug and tugging her snow-white hair gently. "Maybe you should put on some clothes then?"

A snort was heard from the door, and the girls turned to notice a boy with jet-black hair leaning against the door-frame. Facepalming, he said, "Lovely view and all, but you two really should get up? They want to see you, Eve."

She sighed, and freeing herself from Mizuka's arms, she walked over to the boy. "Fine, Kauro. Stop being a perv, though~ geez...." She reached up, tracing the scar under his eye with a long fingernail, and smiled cutely. "Are you gonna leave so I can get dressed and go see the monsters, or did you want to watch?"

Kauro laughed quietly, "No thanks, I'm not interested in midgets. Bye!" On the way out, he slammed the door, making her jump.

Shaking out her hair, Eve stretched and walked into her closet, emerging a few minutes later in a short black dress, striped stockings, lace-up gloves, and a black and white hat. Waving to Mizuka, she giggled. "Stay here 'till I get back?"

Before Mizuka could respond, she had left the room. She skipped along the hallway, looking for the door where the monsters hid.

She stopped at the black painted door, opening it and walking into the empty room calmly. Walking up to the large 'mirror', she tapped the glass. "You wanted to see me? Although, it's a bit creepy that you're lurking behind the two-way mirror instead of in the same room as me....?"

The door locked with an audible "Click!" and Eve stiffened. Forcing her voice to remain light, she said, "What, locking me in? And... you're not going to say anything?" Turning, she noticed a black, leather-bound notebook and a sparkly red pen on the table. A note was taped to the wall above them. "You may leave as soon as you write in the notebook."

Pouting, she exclaimed, "You're not even going to speak to me? How cruel....." She picked up the pen and notebook, and flounced across the room, collapsing gracefully onto the couch. "Fine. I don't want to be here any longer than necessary."

At the top of the page, in flowing cursive script, she wrote, "Eve's Journal Thingie!" Smiling icily, she murmured, 'Well... I wrote. May I leave now?"

The intercom buzzed, and a cold voice spoke. "Not exactly what we meant, Eve, but I suppose it works. Write more later, alright?"

She narrowed her eyes. "Do I have a choice?"

The voice said simply, "No."

The Door clicked open and eve rose,exiting quickly. Her eyes shining brightly with hatred, she threw the journal at the wall, followed by the pen. Passing a hand over her face, it returned to its' normal, impassive state.

"Fuckers." She picked up the items, and padded off down the hallway, her stocking-clad feet making no sound.

She turned the corner, moving through the labyrinth of hallways silently, trying not to attract attention to herself. As she walked past a white door, it opened, and tanned hands reached through it, pulling her in.

The girl gasped, but was cut off by the hands covering her mouth.

A silky voice crooned, "Well...hello."

Eve was pulled backwards and spun around, coming face to face with a beautiful teen.

"Have you been avoiding me, Eve? I'm offended, you know. I've been lonely without your company..." Tilting Eve's head back, the other pulled her into a passionate kiss.

The albino struggled to free her hands, then reached up, slapping the other's face. Panic in her eyes, she said, struggling to keep her tone even, "What the hell do you think you're doing, Max?!"

Max broke into a wide grin, not letting go of the girl. "How'd you know it was me?"

Eve glared, smacking away the hands roaming over her body. "Because you're the only one of you who would do that. Now let me go!"

A scowl fixed itself onto Max's face, marring the teen's pretty features. Grabbing Eve's wrists, he dug his lacquered nails into the pale skin underneath them, squeezing until blood welled up in crimson droplets.

Eve moaned involuntarily, unable to escape his grasp. "S-stop!"

Max smiled cruelly, holding on even tighter. "Why should I?" He leaned down towards Eve, running his tongue along the shell of his captive's ear. "Don't you always do whatever entertains you? Why shouldn't I do the same, hmm?"

The younger teen sagged into his embrace, giving up the fight. "Fine. Do whatever you like... I don't care anymore.

Well, there's chapter 1! Eh, don't worry if you're confused, you're supposed to be! 

All will be revealed!!! Ehehehhe......... I don't know if it will have a happy ending though..... at all... An yes, it is also humor and romance...... because Eve's a little slut who makes people fall in love with her. ;D And sometimes it's funny..... in my opinion..... But yeah! Stay tuned for Chapter 2!


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